新目标英语七年级上1 4知识点复习

发布 2023-03-10 12:58:28 阅读 3916


1. 外国人姓和名与中国人相反:姓在后,名在前。famliy name = last name :姓氏 2. first name : 名

如:(1) my name is jim green. green is my famliy name. jim is my first name.

2) her name is liu tiantian. her famliy name is liu. her first name is tiantian.

2. this 、that来提问, 回答用it ,these、 those来提问,回答改用 they。

如: is this your father? yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.

are these her pencils ? yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

3. what’s this/ that in englsih…? 回答: it’s a / an…. 见了元音要加n )

what are these/ those in english …?回答: they’re…

where is…? 表单数,回答用it’s… ,where are …?表复数,回答用they’re…

where are your books? they are on the desk.

4. call + 人 +at +**:给某人打**。call + **号码:拨打…….e –mail +人 at…给某人发邮件。

5. 句子单变复:this 变these, that变those;he,she,it变为they, am, is 变为are; 名词单变复。

如:this is her eraser. →these are her erasers.(复数)


1. she is a good student

2. is that her watch

3. here is a photo of my cat

6. be 动词( am, is ,are): i am, you are, he ,she,it 连is, 所有复数都用are.

如:jim and tom __be) good friends.

的一般疑问句: be(am, is ,are)是老大站句首,肯定yes, 否定no.(译:……吗?)

---are they your sisters ?-no, they aren’t.

的否定句: be(am,is,are)后+not,缩写是习惯。( is not=isn't , are not= aren't )


1) 句子若有be( am, is are), 否定句 be后加 not. 缩写是习惯;

一般疑问 be 提前,my 变成your.

my notebook is on the desk. (改为否定句和一般疑问句)


9. 名词:a/an表单数, 复数:2 或2 以上。

名词复数规则变化:一般+s;4种情况es ( 以s,x, ch, sh结尾);辅+y结尾,y变为ie+s;f(e)变为ve+s.



用法口诀:主格用作主语,动词之前,在句首。如: they are my friends.

宾格用作宾语,动、介之后跟宾格。he only watches them on tv.


如:this is my pen.= this pen is mine.

these dictionaries are mine=these are my dictionaries.

代词专练:1. -is thisyou ) eraser ? no, they areshe)._i ) is in my pencil box

2. -where is __she) ?i must find __she).

3. please call __we) at 820-86597.

4. this is a picture of __i )

5. i h**e a pet dog. _it) name is huanhuan.

6. my weichat number is 156what about __you) ?

11. 同义句:

1). my name is tomtom.

2). she is lindais linda.

3). his name’s jackjack.

4).those are their watches= those watches

5). this is a photo of my family= this is my

12.短语:in english:用英语, a set of keys:一串钥匙 thanks for :感谢…….

in china:在中国 telephone number:**号码 in the fisrt photo:

在第一**里middle school :中学 ask …for …:恳请,恳求 thank you for …为……而感谢, call sb.

at : 给某人拨打**e-mail sb. at :

给某人发邮件 an id card:一张身份证 family name= last name:姓氏。

练习:1. is __he) wang tao ? 2. where __be) this set of keys?

1. -what’sshe ) telephone number?--it’s 823-6540

2. -are thosehe) dictionaries ?-nohe) are the desk.

3. here are three __of my family. a. photos b. photoes c. photo

4. -is this __computer game ?-yes, it __

a. his, me b. your, mine c. your , his d. you, my

5. thanks forhelp ) me.


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