
发布 2023-03-10 12:02:28 阅读 3377


一. 单词,短语对译。

喜欢: 香蕉: 汉堡包: 西红柿: 西红柿(复数):

花椰菜: 炸马铃薯条橘子橘子(复数。

奶油: 沙拉: 草莓吃,饮: 食物。

胡萝卜: 鸡,鸡肉: 水果: 早饭午饭。

晚饭(两个明星: 蔬菜奔跑者。

好,对,很满意: 许多健康的: 大量,许多。

饭后的)甜食: 清单家具空白。

不喜欢: 吃早饭\午饭\晚饭: 吃得很好许多西红柿:

冰激凌: 一些草莓:

二. 句子对译。







三. 单句改错。

does your mother likes volleyball? 纠正:

she don’t go to school every day.

we eat six apple.

my mother likes banana.

they likes ice cream very much.


emma eats healthy food every day. for breakfast, she likes h__and apples. but she does’ t like b___for l__,she likes chicken, c__and broccoli.

for d__,she likes french-fries and t__.she does’ t h**e s __

my family

there are f__ people in my family. there are my m__,my father, my g __and i. my mother is a worker and my father is also a w__.

they work in a s__ place. my grandparents h**e no job. i’ m a s__ of mian yang foreign language school.

it’ s a b__ and nice school. i like it very much. s___we eat noodles or dumplings and sometimes we eat porridge.

for lunch, we eat rice, meat and v__.for dinner, we eat c__,vegetables. a__ dinner, we often h**e some dessert.

五. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

i want some __tomato).

the __banana)are on the table.

these are __orange).

mary __ice cream very much.

mike __like) pears very much.

__ your father like apples?

i don’ t like __broccoli).

my mother doesn’ t like __


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