新目标英语七年级下册3a课文翻译 带原文

发布 2023-03-09 13:29:28 阅读 3952

unit 7 what does he look like?

section a 3a

wang lin is the captain of the basketball team. he’s tall and he is of medium build . he has short straight hair.

wang lin is very popular.

mary is thin and she is of medium height. she has short curly blonde hair. she’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet.

xu qian loves to tell jokes. she’s short and a little bit he**y. she has beautiful long black hair.

she never stops talking!

mike is a good student. he’s very tall. he has curly brown hair and is of medium build.

he likes reading and playing chess.





section b 3a

johnny dean’s new look!

do you remember johnny dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? well, now he has a new look. he doesn't wear glasses any more.

but some people don't like his new look. “i don't think he's so great,” says ruth from new york. “but my mom does.




section b 3b

gloria green, a p___singer, has a new look. she doesn’t h**e long hair. she has s___hair.

and she doesn’t wear j___and a t-shirt. she wears shorts and glasses. “it’s great,” she says, i can go shopping, and n___knows me.



”unit 8 i’d like some noodles.

section b 3a

house of dumplings

at the house of dumplings, we h**e some great specials! special 1 has beef and onion, and is just 10 rmb for 15 dumplings. special 2 is only 8 rmb for 15,and has cabbage and mutton.

orange juice is only 2 rmb. the dumpling and soup lunch special is 10 rmb. come and get your dumplings today!




unit 9 how was your weekend?

section b 3a

how did kids spend the weekend?

yesterday, we asked ten students at no.3 middle school what they did last weekend. for most kids, the weekend was fun.

on saturday morning, the kids did homework or studied. on saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library. two kids also played computer games.

on saturday evening, eleven kids watched a movie of stayed at home and watched tv. on sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their, and five played sports.





section b 3b

i had a busy weekend. on saturday night, i cleaned my room. in the afternoon, i visited my aunt.

it was a little difficult for me. on sunday morning ,i went to the library. i read a book about history.

then in the afternoon, i played soccer with my friends. on sunday night, i watched tv .i saw an interesting talk show.




self check

do you think everyone enjoys their weekends? old henry does not. last month, he went for a walk with wang wang, his cute dog.

it was a nice day and old henry was happy. he sat down and watched wang wang play with a friendly black cat. then it was time to go home.

old henry looked for his dog. but wang wang wasn't there...now old henry is very sad he has no dog and no family.

he doesn't want to do anything.



老亨利到处找他的狗。但汪汪不在那儿…… 现在老亨利很伤心。他没了狗,也没了家庭。


unit 10 where did you go on vacation?

section b 3a

great weather! it was sunny and hot all day , we went to a beautiful beach. we had great fun playing in the water.

in the afternoon, we went shopping. the shops were too crowded. so i didn't really enjoy it.

today it rained, so we went to a museum. it was kind of boring. i found a small boy crying in the corner .

he was lost and i helped him find his father .that made me feel very happy. i didn't h**e money for a taxi, so i walked back to the hotel.

i was really tired.

today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. we played all morning. it was really fun.

we had sichuan food for dinner. it was delicious!


新目标英语七年级 下 课文学习 3

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