人教版英语七年级下册习题集 附答案

发布 2023-03-09 08:10:28 阅读 9557

七年级下册 1~4单元。

一词汇 1. like___反义词)

2. across___v.)_n.)十字路口。

3. behind___反义短语)

4. left___反义词)右边;向右。

5. open___反义词adj.)关闭的;停业的___反义词,v.)关闭。

6. clean___反义词)脏的。

7. begin __n.)_同义词,v.)

8. hungry __n.)_反义词adj.)

9. cute同义词)聪明的。

10. sleep___adj.)睡着的___adj.)困倦的___反义词,v.)醒来。

11. lazy___反义词)

12. relax___adj.)令人轻松的___adj.)感到放松的。

13. sometimes___同义短语)

14. dangerous___n反义词)

15. late___反义词)

16. put on___反义短语)

17. in front of___反义词)

18. in the front of___反义短语)

19. h**e fun同义短语)

二短语 1. _from在···的对面。

2. _to紧靠···的旁边。

3. in___of在···的前面。

4. _left/right向左/向右。

5. _the right/left在右边/在左边。

6. take a散步。

7. h**e玩得开心。


9. the way去···的路。

10. _a good祝)旅途愉快。

11. _of有几分。

12. _night在晚上;在夜里。

13. work努力工作。

14. be___in穿着···

15. there’swith sb./sth. ·出了毛病(人不舒服/物品损坏)

四语法 1. there’s a supermarket在对面)the park.

2. it’s dangerous to trek___the jungle alone.

a. acrossb. through c. over

3. linda and sally often___穿)yellow sweaters.

4. the boy is too young to __穿)himself.

5. the boy___me is so tall that i can’t see the blackboard.

a. in front of b. in the front of c. behind

6a drugstore请问,附近有药店吗?)

7the 3rd crossingthe 3rd crossing

8. the tired people found an old house___

a. liveb. to live c. live in d. to live in

9. some students hope___be) teachers when they grow up.

10. there weren’t new movies last week反意疑问句)

11. there’ll___some australian visitors in our city tomorrow.

a. is b. are c. be d. h**e

12. there___be)a box of apples beside the car.

13. there’re going to be tow concerts in our school.(改为否定句)

14. there’s some bread on the plate反意疑问句)

15. there are three little eats in the box.(对划线部分提问) _in the box?


1. there___some bread and eggs on the table.

a. is b. are c. h**e d. has

2. listening to music on the grass sounds really___

a. relax b. relaxes c. relaxed d. relaxing

3. people can go to a restaurant when they’re___

a. busy b. hungry c. hard d. quiet

4. the photo shop is along the street about 60 meters___your right.

a. on b. in c. to d. at

5. her brother works for a tv station. he might be a __

a. doctor b. shop assistant c. reporter d. waiter

6. the government is going to build a new bridge___the river.

a. next to b. in front of c. on d. over

7. paul is english, but he can also speak___french.

a. few b. a few c. little d. a little

8. the girl has been away from home for a week. she is __brown shoes and a red shirt.

a. wearing b. putting on c. wear d. put on

9. the air on the mountain is kind of thin.

a. a little bit b. lots of c. a bit of d. too much

10. i’m very thirsty. please hand me the bottle of water.

a. le**e b. send c. buy d. pass

11. there___a lot of rain in this area in august every year.

a. is b. was c. are d. were

12. john likes to sit___the car, but i like to sit___

a. behind; in the front b. at back of; in front c. at the back of d. in the front

13. i’ll do it better if the teacher___me another chance.

a. give b. gives c. g**e d. will g**e

14. the moon light is coming in___the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful.

a. across b. through c. over

15. –there is enough food for the birds, isn’t __

-no. we need to get some.

a. it b. there c. that d. this

unit 3 why do you like koalas?同步训练。

section a


) 1. eleph __t a. an b. on c. en

) 2. l __n a. ie b. oi c. io

) 3. p___guin a. an b. on c. en

) 4. g __affe a. ri b. ir c. ie

) 5. dol __in a. ph b. fh c. sh

) 6. p __da a. an b. on c. en

) 7. tiga. ir b. er c. or

) 8. fr __dly a. ien b. ein c. ian

) 9. k __la a. ou b. oa c. oe

) 10. bec __se a. ou b. au c. oa

iii.complete the conversation according to the chinese. 根据汉语完成句子。

peter: excuse me你喜欢动物吗?)

kate: yes, i do.

peter: what animals do you like?

kate: i like penguins它们很有趣。)

peter: do you like pandas?

kate: yes, i do它们来自中国。)


本册重点动词及词组。1 let s learn english.让我们学英语。一 let s let us 让我们 用于提出建议 let s learn english.why not learn english?为什么不学习英语呢?what how about learning english?学...


五十五中七年级上寒假选作练习。1 翻开数学书,连续看了3页,页码的和为363,则这3页的页码分别是第页,第 页,第 页。2 近似数3.12 105精确到 位,有 个有效数字。3 如图所示,直径为单位1的圆从原点沿着数轴无滑动的逆时针滚动一周到达a点,则a点表示的数是若点b表示 3.14,则点b在点a...


七年级生物专项拔高练习题集 2013 11 15 限时15分钟。1 生命最基本的特征是 a 生殖和发育。b 生长c 新陈代谢d 遗传和变异。2 树木和桌椅,从生命现象来看,二者的本质区别在于 a 是否由细胞构成c 是否能生长繁殖。b 是否能运动d 是否能燃烧。3 下列不具有细胞结构的生物是 a 细菌...