七年级英语 牛津版 重点词汇句型 1

发布 2023-03-09 08:11:28 阅读 8323

7a上unit1play 在于棋类、球类等运动。


hobby is playing chess1.我的爱好是下棋。

work as担任……工作。

works as an accountant in london. 2.他在伦敦当会计师。

be keen on热衷于。

am keen on sports3.我热衷于体育运动。

is keen on music4.他热衷于**。

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。

enjoys playing the piano after school. 5.他喜欢放学后弹钢琴。

be )in glasses= wear glasses戴着眼镜。

is in glasses= she wears glasses. 6.她戴着眼镜。

be happy to do sth.很高兴做某事。

happy to be your penfriend7.我很乐意左你的笔友。

happy to help us8.他们很乐意帮我们的忙。

拓展:be + adj. +to do sth. 做某事感到……

be good at 擅长于……

good at english9.我英语很好。

unit2one of +n.(复数)是……之一。

na,15 , is one of the top students 1.程娜,15岁,使广州市的一名优等生。

in guangzhou.

work on 从事。

2. then i go to my office and continue 2.然后我又去办公室,继续编写我的电脑游戏。

working on my games.

arrive , get to , reach 均可表示“到达”



(2) arrive in+比较大的地方(国家城市)

(3)arrive at+小地方(工厂村庄公园学校)

4)get to 后面跟地点名词或代词。

get to school; get home ;get there ;(前不用 to)

5)reach作及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语 reach school

f**ourite 做喜欢的…… 本是是最高级。

f**ourite sport is table tennis4.她最喜欢的运动是兵乓球。

unit3happen to 遇到。

happened to you1.你遇到了什么事?

run away跑开。

said good-bye and ran away2.他说声再见,跑开了。

pick up拿起。

he hurried to an ice cream shop, 3.接着他匆忙来到一家冰淇淋店,拿起**。

picked up the phone and quickly called 110. 迅速拨打110报警**。

拓展:hurry v. 匆忙 hurry off 匆忙离开

hurry up 赶快 hurry n. 匆忙

in a hurry 匆忙的。

stay up late醒来。

children stayed up late for their 4.孩子们不去睡觉,还在看电视。

f**ourite tv programme.

be angry with生气。

is never angry with others5.他从不生别人的气。

be sure to do肯定。

sure to get there on time6.我肯定能准时到达那里。

think about考虑。

carefully about the question 7.回答问题前仔细考虑一下。

before you answer it.

walk around 四处走,相当于:walk ,around: walk about

old man has nothing to do and8.老人无事可做,总是四处走的。

always walks round

拓展: look round四处看。

on one own ’s独自。

can complete the project on my own. 9.我能独自完成这个课题。

unit4used to do过去常常做…..

used to get up at 7:00, but now1.我过去常常是7点起床,i get up at 6:30但现在是6:30起床。


it with water.用水洗。


in ink用墨水写。

in pencil用铅笔写。

billions of数以十亿计,类似的结构还有:

hundreds of 数以百计; thousands of 数以千计;

millions of 数以百万计。

see sb. /sth. 和 see sb./sth. doing sth.



5 saw him come into the room5.我看见他进了那间房间。

saw an old man fishing by the lake. 6.杰克看见一个老人正在湖边钓鱼。

as well as除…..之外,还。

can speak french as well as english. 7.他除了会讲英语,还会**语。

brother as well as my parents likes 8.除了我父母外,我弟弟也喜欢下棋。

playing chess.

all over the world 全世界。

photographs is f**ourite hobby o - 9.照相时全世界很多人特别喜欢的爱好。

f many people all over the world.

all the country全国 all over the city全市。

辨析:such as , for example譬如,比如。

1)for example 强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中、句末。

people here , fore example ,john, 10.这里有许多人,例如约翰,很喜欢喝咖啡。

would rather h**e coffee.

2)such as 用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。

of the english programmes are well 11.其中有许多英语节目,如《跟我学》、《跟我学。

received, such as follow me science 科学》,就很受欢迎。

in the past在过去。

people lived a sad life in the past. 12过去很多人过着悲惨的生活。

make a lot of friends广交朋友;

make friends (with sb.)(和某人)交朋友。

made a lot of new friends in13.她在新学校里交了很多新朋友。

the new school.

make friends (with sb.)交朋友。

you want to make friends with us? 14.你想和我们做朋友吗??

at the weekend在周末。

the weekend, i fly my planes at a park 15.在周末时,我在我家附近的公园里放飞机。

near my home.

use to do 与 did not use过去常常做。。

used to go to school by bus16.她过去常常乘公共汽车上学。

she did not see to go to school by bus她过去不常乘公共汽车上学。

she use to go to school by bus? 17.她过去常乘公共汽车上学吗?

how did she use to go to school她过去怎么上学的?

think of 考虑到……

can you think of when you see the 18.你看到这幅图的时候会想到些什么?


never thinks of others19.他从不考虑别人。

unit5learn about得知。

did you learn about the news? 1.你从那儿得知这个消息。

be famous for 因……而闻名。

is famous for her books2.他因写书而闻名。

at the same time同时。

works in a factory. at the same time , 3.他在一家工厂上班。同时,她还在一家餐馆做兼。

he has part-time job in a restaurant职。


单词大pk 1.被子。2.拼写。3.请。4.紫色。5.棕色。6.号码。7.名。8.姓。9.朋友。10.中学。11.父母。12.家庭。13.这些。14.那些。15.堂兄。16.女儿。17.叔叔。18.阿姨。19.20.图画。21.橡皮。22.字典。23.劳驾。24.教师。25.学生。26.感谢你的帮助...

七年级上册英语1 3单元重点句型

unit 1 1.我的名字叫吉娜。2.否定句。3.一般疑问句及肯否回答。4.特殊疑问句。5.他的名字叫迈克。6.否定句。7.一般疑问句及肯否回答。8.特殊疑问句。9.早上好 下午好 晚上好。10.他是约翰。11.否定句。12.一般疑问句及肯否回答。13.特殊疑问句。14.我的朋友在中国。15.她的名...


unit 1 unit 10背诵句型。unit 1 1.我认为我会和我最好的朋友住在一套公寓里,因为我不喜欢独自居住。i think i lla apartment my best friends,because i don t like 2.在平日,我可能穿上套装,看上去挺漂亮的。i llprob...