人教版七年级下册英语试卷期末考试英语试题 3

发布 2023-03-09 05:50:28 阅读 5378








)1awinterb summercsunny

abc )3. a in the schoolb in the park c in the libary

)4. a the weather iswindy. b the box is so he**y. c it is easy.

) 5 a watching tv b reading books c reading a news*****

第二节: 听对话答题,下面你将听到4段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(10分)


)6. how’s john’s uncle, john?

a. he is ill. b. he’s finec. he’s at home.

)7. does john drive or ride to work every day?

to work. by bike b. he likes walking. c. he doesn’t h**e a car.


)8. how long does it take kenny to walk to school from your home?

a. 10 minutes later. b. about 10 minutes. c. 10 minutes ago.

)9. does kenny like swimming in summer?

a. yesb. noc. i don’t know.

)10. how often does jenny go swimming?

a. twice a week(一周两次). b. on foot. c. i like skating there.


)11. what’s jane’s father doing?

a. drinkingb. watching tvc. sleeping.

)12. how does jane go to school?

a. by busb. by

)13. how many rooms are there in jane’s house?

a.1b. 5c. 10.


)14. what time does tom usually get up in the morning?

a. at 7:15b. at 7:10c. at 7:20.

)15. what color does tom like best?

a. blackb. redc. blue.


)16. what class are the girls in?

a. in class 8, grade 2. b. in class 2, grade 8. c. in class 3, grade 8.

)17. who does well in singing and dancing?

a. wang huib. li hongc. yang fang.

)18. what does li hong enjoy?

a. she enjoys writing. b. she enjoys drawing.

c. she enjoys reading novels.

)19. what’s yang fang’s f**orite sport?

a. playing table tennis. b. playing basketball. c. playing volleyball.

)20. what does zhang mei usually do at the weekend?

a. she usually plays games with her friends.

b. she usually does some shopping with her mother.

c. she usually helps her parents do the housework at home.



1、砍倒2、thanks for


5、放风筝6、h**e fun


9、take a shower10、最后。


)1. lucy and lily will __china next week.

a. is visitb. are visitingc. visitd. visits

)2. —how do you go to work? —i usually go to work __

a. by carb. in a carc. on a car d. by a cars

)3. it is time __

a. singb. to singc. singing d. sang

)4. she’s good at __

a. readb. readingc. to readd. reads

)5 —i’m going to hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday.

a. h**e a good timeb. best wishes to them

( )6—would you like to go for a picnic with us?

___but i’m too busy.

a. no, i can’t b. i’d like c. yes, i’d love to d. why not

( )7. the flowers look___

a. wellb. badlyc. goodd. much well

)8.-what did you do last friday?

i played __soccer and i played __piano.

a. the, the b. the, /c. /the d. a, the

)9-__you go to the museum with your father yesterday?

-yes. we __there in the afternoon.

a. did; go b. do; go c. did; went d. do; went

)10she is tall and thin.

a. what is your sister? b. what does your sister look like?

c. what does your sister do? d. what’s your sister like?

)11is it from your home to school?

-it’s about two kilometers.

a. how far b. how long c. how soon d. how

)12 helping others can make us __very happy.

a. to feel b. feeling c. felt d. feel

)13 last weekend, i didn’t __my aunt.

a. visited b. saw c. visit

)14. i’d like a bowl of noodlesbeef.

a. h**e b. has c. with

)15. his brother likes to __stories. we all like him.

a. say b. tell c. speak d. talk

)16 weto the beach yesterday afternoon.

a.go b.goes c.went

)17-__did you go last sunday?-i went to the mountains.

a. how b. where c. when d. why

) 18 the weather like in hangzhou? it’s cloudy.

a. how’s b. what c. how d. what’s

)19. it’s a fine day. what about ?

a. to go out for a walk b. going for a walk

c. go out for a walking d. to go out for walking

)20 we can walk or a bus to visit the museum.

a. talk b. by c. take d. go

)21-would you like to eat dinner with me

a. no, b. yes, i’d love to. c. i’d like.

)22.—hi, betty

—she is buying some food for her mother.

a.what is lily doing? b.what does lily do? c.what did lily do?

)23you listen to the news yesterday morning?

—no, i___

a.were, wasn’t b.do;don't c.did;didn’t

24.my grandfather enjoysnews*****s in the morning.

a.reading b.read c.reads

)25.there some milk in the glass.

a. is b. are c. h**e

三。 完形填空。(10分)

people in different 1.__like to eat different food. 2.

__kind of food do people would like 3for example 4fried potatoes chips are very 5.__in the uk. sometimes people cook them 6.

__home, but they usually go to a fast food restaurant 7.__them. they can 8.

__them in the restaurant 9.__bring them away at home. sometimes, they 10like to eat them in the park.

)1. a. cities b. countries c. towns d. homes

)2. a. where b. when c. what d. who

)3. a. eat b. to eat c. eating d. eats

)4. a. in a uk b. in an ukc. in the uk d. in uk

)5. a. popular b. large c. small d. cheap

)6. a. in b. at c. on d. behind

)7. a. buy b. buys c. buying d. to buy

)8. a. has b. h**e c. to h**e d. h**ing

)9. a. and b. but c. or d. so

)10. a. too b. also c. either d. and



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