人教版七年级下册英语期末考试英语试题 7

发布 2023-03-09 05:49:28 阅读 8615







i 一、听句子(5分)




)6 . a. shakespear’s plays b. he is a writer c he isn’t at home

)7. a .yes, she is. b. yes, she did. c. no, she wasn’t.

( )8. a. after dinner b . in the evening c .at tony’s home

( )9. a.in a bank b. in 2004 c. he was a policeman

( )10 . a. he is 20 years old b . he has a nice car c. he went to the theatre



) did mike do last night?

a. he went to a movie b. he watched tv c. he did his homework

)12. who is mary ?

a. linda’s sisterb. linda’s aunt c. mike’s aunt


( )13. where did jack go on holiday?

a. beijingb. londonc. new york

)14. how many places of interest did they visit in that city?

a. one b. two c. three

) long did he stay there ?

a . five days b. six days c. seven days


)16. gary was born in __

a. england b. australia c. america

)17. gary began to go to school when he was___

a. four b. five. c. six

)18. gary usually went to school __

a. on the school bus . b. in his father’s car c. on his father’s bike

)19. gary had __homework after school

a. no b. too much c. some

)20. gary usually __with his friends at weekends when he was young.

a. played football b. played cards c. played the piano


ii 单项选择,从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共15分,每小题1分)

) 21. _fine weather it is!

a. what b. what a c. how d. how a

) 22. –is this __math book ?

– no, it isn’tis over there.

a. your, mine, mine b. your, mine , my c. her , hers, her d. hers , hers, her

) 23. –do you like summer or winter?

i really like the snow.

a. yes, i do b. no, i don’t c. summer d. winter

)24. he read nothing else ,

a. does he b. doesn’t he c. did he d. didn’t he

) expression __means “在20世纪50年代”.

a. in the 1950s b. in the 2050s c. in the 2150s d. in the 1850s

) 26. last year this nice girl___my brother.

a. married to b. married c. marries with d. married with

) 27. –why is mrs linda angry?

– it’s __to enter her office without knocking on the door.

a. rude b. polite c. wrong d. difficult

) 28. her __sister is two years __than her.

a. elder , elder b. older , elder c. older , old d. elder , older

) 29. there __an important meeting in our school next week.

a. will h**e b. has c. is going to be d. is going to h**e

) 30. shanghai is a big city __the east of china and it is __the yangzi river

a. on, on b. in , on c. on , to d. on, in

) 31. she didn’t decide___

a. what will she do next b. what would she do it next

c. what will she do it next d. what she would do next

) 32. –what’s your father like?

– he __

a. likes history b. likes eating meat c. is 40 years old d. is tall and thin

) 33. this pair of shoes __nice. can i __

a. is, try it on b. are, try on it. c. looks, try them on d. look, try on them

) 34. miss wang is strict __us __our study.

a. in , in b. in, with c. with, with d. with, in

– i want to buy a book for my brother.

a. what do you want to buyb. can i help you ?

c. what’s wrong with youd. glad to meet you.

iii补全对话 (共15分)


a: 36b; yes, i h**e two.

a: 37b: john is a doctor. henry is a football player.

a: where does john work?

b: 38a: i guess henry is in a football team, isn’t he?

b: 39a: 40

b; yes, i h**e two.

b) 在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语(话语可以是句子,短语或词)使对话完整。(共10分,每空2分)


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