
发布 2023-03-09 03:25:28 阅读 4849



1. 熬夜2.跑开 3.对…..大声叫喊。

4. 在乡下5.喂鸡6.去海滩。





19总的说来20 把….弄醒21.作为一个导游工作。

















1. don’t play with火). it’s dangerous.

2. why didn’t you go to school昨天)? 3.

these __机器人) can help people do lots of things. 4. hi, miss gao.

here are some花) for you. 5. lisa likes tr**eling and she wants to be a __导游).

6. she got lots of gon her fourteenth birthday. 7.

we often go to the fthere are many vegetables in it. 8. how was your school trip?

it was e

9. toby visited his grandparents in the c10. how many __奶牛) can you see in the picture?

11. yesterday we摘) apples with our parents.

12. jimmy, do you like these礼物)? 13.

the little boy loves to watch the __星星) at night. 14. hmm, i don’t think these __油画) are very good.

15. lwe didn’t miss the train. went to the museum and saw many __自然的)things on show.

did you do on the __海滩)? best time to fly __风筝)is in spring.

t __喊叫)in the hallways. kinds of animals live in the __森林).

pair of shoes is too e .i want a cheap one. v put up a tent and made a fire.

23.—how was your v ?—it was great.

like sea foods. they’re d .

went to the b .they swam in the sea.

26. there are some boats on the湖). 27. you can get lost in the __森林).

28. mr. black keeps a __蛇) as a pet. 29. look at that kite. it’s so高的) in the sky.

30. you don’t h**e to喊叫). i can hear you.


1. theycome ) to china two months ago. 2. wherebe ) she last week?

3. the twinsbe ) at school this morning. 4hetell ) you a story last sunday?

5. wenot watch ) tv last night. 6.

let mehelp ) you.

7. listen! suesing ) an english song.

8. i will help my mother___do) housework tomorrow. 9.

tom always __get ) up at six o'clock in the morning.

10. they always h**e funtalk) to each other. 11.

every year theygrow) rice here. 12. i like white __flower) but i don’t like red ones.

13. oh, last week mike went __fish) with his uncle. 14.

last night i __hear) your aunt play the piano in her room. 15. it was difficult __find) a good job in this village.

you yesterday morning? wangbuy) a bike last week. to the library yesterday.

fatherwatch) tv at home now. aboutsee) the film titanic. you forgive) me a hand.

notask) the policeman for help? you please___put) my letter in next month’s magazine? han meiwear) sunglasses.

closed the window __keep)the wind out.

___stay)at home and did nothing.

did you go __camp)last weekend?

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