七年级Starter1 3月考试卷

发布 2023-03-08 15:22:28 阅读 8912

starter units 1-3


一.单项选择 (把正确的选择项填到题前的括号内)

) 1.早晨, 熟人见面可以说 .

a. good morning! b. good afternoon! c. good evening! d. good night.

) 2.当你向别人认错时, 你应该说。

a. excuse me b. i’m sorry c. i’m ok d. i’m wrong.

) 3.对方给你帮完忙后, 你应该说。

a. okb. thank you c. hello d. bye-bye.

) 4.初次认识某人, 你对他说的问候语应该是。

a. how are you b. what’s your name c. how do you do

) 5.书写时占三格的字母是 .

a. f b. i c. g d. b

) 6.书写时占下两格的字母是 .

a. i b. g c. f d. b

) 7.下列字母的小写形式书写时占上两格的是 .

a. c b. o c. a d. b

) 8.其他人问你how are you? 你应回答 .

a. how are youb. and you?

c. fine, thank you. and you? d. thank you very much,.

) 9.一sit down,p1ease. 一。

a.i’m fineb.okc.thank you

) 10. —hello, daleeric!

a. hi b. hello c. good morning d. ok

) 11. it’sblack.it’sblack ruler.

a. a.a;/ b./;ac.a;a d. /

) 12. –what is itblack and yellow.

a. color; they areb. colors; it’s

c. color; it’sd. colors; they are

) 13. .colin,what’s this in english

a.this is a pen b.it’s a pen c.it’s pen d. that is a pen.

) 14. —is this anyes, it is.

a. bag b. map c. egg d. pen

) 15. —spell it, please

a. bike b. b-i-k-e c. b-i-k-e d. bike

) 16are you? —fine, thanks.

a. how b. what c. who d. where

) 17.下列每组字母中不含元音字母的是组。

a. m n b pb. h i j p

c. a d g kd. e h o p

) 18.下列字母中含有相同音素的是 。

a. dclb. gfe c. hcnd. jak

) 19.下列小写字母占格相同的是 。

a. omnb. hoa c. flkd. ikn

) 20.下列单词中哪个不含有字母ii的发音?

a. whiteb. hic. this d. i

二.根据中文提示选出正确的答语, 并将答案编号写在题号前的括号内(10分)

21. 早上你遇见老师、同学或朋友时,应该说。

a. how are you? b. good morningc. thank you.

22. 如果你的朋友向你问好,他说:how are you? 你应回答。

a. how are you? b. fine, thank you. c. i'm fine, too.

23. 当你在路上遇见你的老朋友,他说:hello! 你应该说。

a. goodb. how are youc. hello!

24. 当你想知道对方的名字时,你应问。

a. what's this? b. what's your name? c. how are you?

25. 当别人夸奖你的衣服漂亮时,你应说。

a. pleaseb. thank youc. no.

二、用正确的a 、an完成下列各题。

26. book 27. good news 28. orange orange

29english book 30apple


d ge ll w n#brbr##end#


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