
发布 2023-03-03 19:33:28 阅读 4664


英语试卷。年级: 七年级拟题人:任欣蓉审题人:伍蕊杨加芬

试卷满分:120 分考试时间:120 分钟)

第卷(选择题 , 共 80 分)




) bc.

)2. abc.

)3. a. bc.

)4. ab. c.

)5. a. b. c.

ii. 听下面5个句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。

)6. a. thank youb. no, not very well. c. yes, i can.

)7. a. the swimming club. b. i like the club. c. i join two clubs.

)8. a. yes, you canb. yes, pleasec. you’re welcome.

)9. a. no, i don’tb. no, i can’tc. yes, i am.

)10. a. it’s peterb. it’s peter’sc. it’s peter’s violin.



)11. what club does bob want to join?

a. he wants to join the swimming club.

b. he wants to join the sports club.

c. he wants to join the soccer club.

)12. can bill swim?

a. he can swimb. yes, he canc. no, he can’t.

)13. what can tina do?

a. she can play chessb. she can play the violin. c. yes, she can.

)14. what can the girl do?

a. she can play the piano. b. she can play the violin.

c. she can play football.

)15. what does the boy like?

a. he likes drawingb. he likes singingc. he can draw.

iv. 听对话,选答案。



)16. can jenny swim?

a. yes, she canb. no, she can’tc. no, she doesn’ t.

)17. what club does bob want to join?

a. the sports clubb. the basketball club. c. the music club.


)18. can lingling play football?

a. yes, she canb. no, she can’tc. we h**e no idea.

)19. what sport can’t lingling do?

a. she can’t play tennis. b. she can’t play basketball.

c. she can’t swim.

)20. can lingling ride a horse?

a. yes, she canb. no, she canc. no, she can’t.



)21. the speaker tells us about a big __room in her school.

a. musicb. computerc. english

)22. more boys like to play the __

a. violinb. trumpetc. drums

)23. the speaker likes to play the __

a. trumpetb. guitarc. violin

)24. _likes to play the piano.

a. tinab. tina’s brotherc. tina’s teacher

)25. the speaker thinks music is __

a. boringb. greatc. difficult




21.it’s easy for me __english.

a. speak b. speaks

c. to speak d. speaking

22.it takes me 25 minutes __to the club by bus.

a. to go b. going

c. go d. goes

23.my brother and i __sports every day. i love __tennis, but he doesn’t.

a. do; play b. do; to play

c. does; play d. does; to play

24weekends we go to school7 o’clock.

a. in; at b. on; at c. on; in d. in; on

25.4.does your friend wanta movie this evening?

a. to go b. go to c. going to d. to go to

26.do you likea car?

a. ride b. driving c. to sit d. to driving

27.—_does it take you to walk to school?

about fifteen minutes.

a.how long b.how soon c.how often d.how far

28.students h**e to __a boat to get __home.

a.take;to b.take;/ c.takes;/ d.takes;to

29.__takes her about twenty minutes __home.

a.that;get to b.it;get to c.this;to get d.it;to get

30.—how can i go to the supermarket, paul?

___bike. it’s not far from here.


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