新目标英语 七年级上 单元测试预备

发布 2023-03-07 20:26:28 阅读 4811

一、 词汇(10分)


1、i(形容词性物主代词2、name’s (完全形式。

3、your(主格4、what is(缩略形式。

5、boy (对应词6、one(序数词。

7、sad(反义词8、 完整形式。

9、he is(缩略形式10、to(同音词。

二、 选择填空(20分)


a、 my b、you c、i d、your

)2、nice___meet you.

a、to b、too c、of d、two

)3、lily __lucy are sisters.

a、with b、to c、and d、in

)4、who’s this boyis jim.

a、 she b、you c、i d、he

)5、what’s eight and nine? it’s __

a、15 b、16 c、17 d、18

)6、you __like your mother.

a、see b、look c、watch d、looks

)7、look atwhat time is it?

a、clock b、apple c、wall d、window

)8、what’s your __name?

a、one b、three c、two d、first

)9、are you a girl?

a、yes, i am. b、yes, i’m. c、no, i am d、yes, she is.

)10、what’s your phone __it’s 5929333.

a、color b、number c、size d、place

三、 交际运用(15分)

)1当别人用good morning和你打招呼时,你应该回答:

a. yes, please are you do you do morning,

)2、当别人问你how are you ?的时候你应该说:

thanks afternoon, tom ann kate


name is peter. b. what’s your name? her name?


all right. you welcome.


mind are you


you. all right.


afternoon. evening.


is jean jean name is jean. you jean.


this? the name? it a …?you ….


… …are…

四、 补全对话(15分)

a: excuse me , jim , 1 .

b: sorry. i don’t know, 2 .

a: excuse me, what’s the time ?

c: it’s about a quarter past three.

a: thank you, miss gao.

c: look at the floor , 3 ?

b: is it grey ?

c: 4 .

b: let me h**e a look , oh, it’s mine .

c: 5 .

b: thanks very much .

a. whose watch is that ? b what’s the time, please ?

it is. d. which one ?

e. here you are f. i can’t see my watch g.

what colour is it ?

五、 完型填空(10

my name is li ping. i’m a chinese girl. i’m (1)__no.

5 primary school. i’m in(2) _i (3)__a good friend. (4)__name is amy.

she’s (5)__england. her father is an english teacher in our school. they can speak a little chinese now.

we often play games together.

)1. a. at c for

) b. the kitchen c. the playgroud

)3. a. am b. has c. h**e

)4. a. she b. her c. she’s

)5. a. from b. to

六、 阅读理解(20

hi! my name is linda. i h**e a new computer.

it’s my birthday present. it’s my good friend. i can write letters with it.

i can play games on it, too. i like playing games. but i only play games on sundays.


)1、linda is my friend.

)2、linda has a computer.

)3、linda can write letters with it.

)4、linda can’t play computer games.

)5、linda likes her computer.

七、 写作(10星沙英语网。





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