
发布 2023-03-03 12:04:28 阅读 6615

七年级英语期中考试卷 2013.11






)1. what are they talking about?

) 2. what is the boy doing?

) 3. how does jim go to school?

) 4. what does the boy like doing?

abc. ) are they doing?

abc.b) 听对话,根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。听两遍。

) 6. whose watch is on the table?

a. mike’s. b. edward’s. c. the teacher’s.

) 7. where’re the pens now?

a. on the desk. b. in the box. c. in the bag.

) 8. how many times does the boy do after-school activities in a week?

a. twiceb. three timesc. four times.

) 9. who’s the girl in a hat?

a. tom’s sister. b. tom’s friend. c. tom’s sister’s friend

) 10. what’s tim’s f**ourite subject?

a. art. b. maths. c. english.



) 11. his birthday is on___

a. april 20b. april 25c. april 28

) 12. he would like a___as a birthday present.

a. footballb. computerc. picture


) 13. a. 4b.15c.14

) 14. a. cookingb. shoppingc. reading

) 15. a. cookb. doctorc. teacher


) is __years old.

a. elevenb. twelvec. thirteen

) 17. there are __people in his family.

a. fiveb. sixc. seven

) 18. peter’s parents are __

a. teachersb. workersc. nurses

) 19is only three years old.

a. peterb. tomc. tony

) 20are in the same school.

a. peter and tomb. peter and tony c. tony and tom


)21. a. man b. answer c. practice d. saturday

)22. a. about b. trousers c. cousin d. blouse

)23. a. milk b. fishc. chicken d. nice

)24. a. friday b. monday c. tuesday d. says

)25. a. great b. readyc. headd. bread

)26. a. want b. washc. waterd. what

)27. a. there b. herec. where d. pear

)28. a. drink b. pencil c. garden d. thirteen

)29. a. understand b. sunshine c. rubber d. supermarket

)30. a. horses b. houses c. classes d. buses

三、单项选择题 (本大题共15分,每题1分)

) 31. there isu” ands” in the word “use”.

a. a; ab. an; anc. a; and. an; a

) 32. amy and i __members of the reading club. we like reading __in our class.

a. am; best b. is; well c. are; best d./ well

) 33. is your cousin good atyes

a. swim; he isn’t b. swims ; he does c. swimming; he is d. swimming; he is

) 34your brother in the basketball team?

---no, he __like playing basketball.

a. does, isb. do, doesn’t c. is, doesn’t d. is, isn’t

) 35. daniel is a very __football player and he plays very __

a. good , good b. good ,well c. well ,good d. well, well

) 36. -when do you get up __the morning?

i get up 5:45

a. in, at b. in, on c. on, in d. on, at

) 37are in class 1, grade 6. _in the same class.

a. jimmy, i and you; theirb. i, jimmy and you; they’re

c. jimmy, you and i; they’re d. jimmy, you and i; we’re

) 38. -my parents and i will go to shanghai for a trip.

a. that sounds great. b. ok. c. h**e a good time d. thank you.

) 39does helen __to school? -by bike.

a. what,go b. how,goes c. what,goes d. how,go

) 40. my mother oftenat six every morning.

a. wake up me b. wake me up c. wakes up me d. wakes me up

) 41.— does your grandma __news*****s every evening?


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