
发布 2023-03-02 14:13:28 阅读 6758





例:1. this is my book. 这是我的书。

4)名词性物主代词起名词的作用。 (黑体为名词性物主代词)

例:1. look at the two pencils.

the red one is yours and the blue one is mine. 看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。


例:my bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink.

可写成my bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and yours is pink.

顺序。人称代词为单数时,按第二人称、第三人称、第一人称排列。如,you, she and i are good friends.

peter and i all like reading.

1. 人称代词为复数时,按第一人称、第二人称、第三人称排列。如,we you and they are playing soccer together.


it was i and tom who were late. 迟到的是我和汤姆。

2) 表示男女的代词并排使用时,通常是先男后女。如:

nobody likes such things except him and her. 除了他和她,没有喜欢那样的东西。

3. 使用人称代词的几个注意点。

1) 指代国家、城市、地球、船舶、(雌性)动物等时,一般用代词 it,但也可用she / her(带感**彩)。如:

my car’s not fast, but she does 50 miles to the gallon. 我的车不快,但每加仑油它能跑50英里。

2) 当上文提到的人的性别不明时,一般用 he / him 来指代。如:

whoever told you that, he was lying. 无论谁对你那样说,他都在说谎。

一。填空。___i) help __you). we) go. 3.(i) _are students.

can't find __he) the book.


ms ding teaches __we) maths. loves __he) mother very much.

they knowthey) new teacher? h**e a lovely catit) name is carl.

is a very good boy. we all like __he).

boy under the tree is henry. this ishe) bike.

doesn’t like __she) new dress at all. who bought (买) it for __she)?

is the man over thereiswe) headmaster.

this red coat yours? nois yellow.


1. where are 我的___shoes? 2. are those 你的___shoes?

3. 他___looks up at 她4. could you come and play with 我___

5. i can help 他___with 他的___english. 6. do you like 她___

7.我们的teacher asks 我们___to study hard.

8. why do you make 他们___sit there quiet?


1)are theseyou)pencils? yes, they areour).

2)—whose is this pencil? —it’si).

3)i lovethey)very much. (4)she is___i)classmate.

5)miss li often looks after___she)brother.

6)—are thesethey)bags ?

no, they aren’ttheir). they arewe).

五、选择填空1、these are pens andare pencils. (that, this, those)

2、tom was sick yesterdayis why he missed school. (that, those, these)

3、which of __shirts are tom's ( these, this, that)

4、this desk is mine, _is hers. (those, this, that)

5、the map of beijing is better thanof tianjing. (this, that, these)

6he, her, his ) mane is jackshe, he, his) is a cook.

7i, my, mine)aunt is a nurseshe, he. her) works very hard.

8、please showme, i, mine ) the way.

9、the books aren't ( my, mine, ithey , it, its ) may be __her, hers, your)

10、let __i, me, mine) tell __her, she, hers ) how to do it.


1. she is a student, _name is julia. a. its b. he r c. hers d. his

2. could you help __with __english, please.

a. i, my b. me, me c. me, my d. my, i

3. a friend of __came here yesterday. a. my b. his c. him d. himself

4. _pencil-box is beautiful. but __is more beautiful than __

a. toms, my, he b. tom's, mine, his c. tom's, mine, him d. tom's, my, his

5. most of __like chinese food. a. they b. their c. them d. theirs


1.there is a letter forher 、hers) mother.

2.that is __she ) coat. the coat is red.__its)is a new one.

3.that is notcamerais at home. (he )

4. where arei can’t findlet’s callparents. (they )

5we) eyes are blackus) come from japan.

6.tim and bill are twinstheir)are from englandthem) parents are teachers in the no.6 middle school. 7.give the book toi ).

8.these books arewe).

9.that is notkite. that kite is very small, butis very big.( i10.the dress isgive it toshe )


1 孔明同学买铅笔m支,每支0.4元,买练习本n本,每本2元,那么他买铅笔和练习本一共花了元?2 每户每月用电如果不超过100度,那么每度电 按a元收费,如果超过100度,那么超过部分每度电价按b元收费,某户居民在一个月内用电160度,则这户居民这个月应缴费元?3 重百超市推出如下优惠方案 一次性购...

七年级a an the练习题

冠词a an the 的用法。不定冠词a 和an,表示微弱的 一 的概念,表示的名词不特定为哪一个。a 用在辅音因素开头的单词或字母前,an 用在以元音因素开头的单词或字母前。表示数量 一 a book an egg a useful tool an hour 笼统地指某人或某物,但不具体说明。th...

七年级a an the练习题

冠词a an the 的用法。不定冠词a 和an,表示微弱的 一 的概念,表示的名词不特定为哪一个。a 用在辅音因素开头的单词或字母前,an 用在以元音因素开头的单词或字母前。表示数量 一 a book an egg a useful tool an hour 笼统地指某人或某物,但不具体说明。th...