七年级a an the练习题

发布 2023-03-02 14:02:28 阅读 7676

冠词a /an/ the 的用法。

不定冠词a 和an, 表示微弱的“一”的概念,表示的名词不特定为哪一个。

a 用在辅音因素开头的单词或字母前,an 用在以元音因素开头的单词或字母前。


a book an egg a useful tool an hour


there is a car in the yard


a horse is a useful animal.


this is a key.


there is an elephant in the zoo.

the 是定冠词,表示特指的人,或物或者群体,起作用相当于指示代词this, that, these, those, 表示“这(个),那(个),这些,那些”。它可以用在单、复数、或者不可数名词前,但是名词前有a, an , this, my 等限定词修饰时不能同时使用the。



this is a pen. the pen is red.


what color is the quilt?


the sun is bigger than the moon.

练习。一、用a, an, the “/填空。

1. this is __red pen.

2. this is___h” and this is___c”.

3. yao ming is __nba player.

4. what’s this in __english? it’s __map.

5. the __english boy is bob.

6. there is __apple on the table.

7. this is __orangeorange is __green.

8. this is a pen. _pen is yellow.

9. where is __jacket, please?

10. _sun is red. it is very beautiful.

11. can you play __guitar?

12. i can play __ping-pong, but i can’t play __piano.

13. i am __a, an)student.

14. there is __a, an) elephant in the zoo.

15. you are __a, an) good boy.

15. i h**e __a, an) orange.

16. math is __a, an )useful subject.

17. this is __a ,an)new book.

18. please take __a, an )umbrella.

19. there is __a,an) orange on the table.

20. i h**e __orange ._orange is very sour.( a, an ,the)

21. my father is __a, an, )man.

22. there’s __a, an, the )apple on the table.

23.__a,an,the) blackboard in our classroom is big.

24. monday is __a, a, the )second day of the week.


1. -what’s this in english?--it’s __

a. orange b. a green orange c. an green orange

2. it’s___black. it’s __black jacket.

ab. a; /c. /a

3. -what’s this?

-- it’s __id card.

a. an b. a c. /

4. -who‘s that man?

-- jeremy lin. he’s __american basketball player.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

5. lin is __good basketball player in the nba.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

6. this is __story book. it was written by yang hongying.

a. the b. a c. an

7. my mother is __english teacher in no. 2 middle school.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

8. -who’s that girl?

-- you mean __one with long blond hair? that’s jack’s daughter.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

9. -who’s __boy in red, do you know.

-- oh. he’s __friend of tom.

a. the; a b. an; the c. a; the d. the; an

10. don’t you know __girl under the tree?

she’s our teacher’s daughter.

a. a b. an c. the

11. -what color is __pen?

--it’s red.

a. a b. an c. the d. /


1.this is __egg. it’s __small egg.

2.jim has___big head.

3.who is___girl in green?

4.--do you h**e___knife?

-yes, i do. i only h**e___small one.

5. lucy and lily look___same.

6.__boy is jim’s___brother.

are in___beijing no.2 high school.

1、我们每天都要消耗食物和各种各样的生活用品,与此同时,也产生了许多垃圾。 are in___same class.



3、除了我们日常生活产生的家庭垃圾外,工厂、学校、医院、建筑工地等每天也在产生大量的垃圾。 applebig apple

12、淡水在自来水厂中除了沉淀和过滤之外,还要加入药物进行灭菌处理,这样才能符合我们使用的标准。 bananaorange

9、月球地貌的最大特征,就是分布着许多大大小小的环形山,环形山大多是圆形的。关于环形山的形成,目前公认的观点是“撞击说”。 orangesorange pen




is it chinese book or english book?

this is ring, and it is orange ring.

mary is english teacher. tom is chinese teacher.

8、地球自转一周的时间是一天;地球公转一周的时间是一年;月球公转一周的时间是农历一个月。④this is bike. it’s old bike.

this is telephone number.

15、为了便于辨认,人们把看起来不动的星星分成群,划分成不同的区域,根据其形态想象**、动物或其他物体的形状,并且给它们命名。天空中这些被人们分成的许多区域就称为星座。⑥that is id card.

i lost my keys. it’s set of keys.

it’s apple, not pear.

5、减少垃圾的数量是从源头上解决问题的办法,我们每个人都可以想出许多减少垃圾数量的方法。⑨this is peach. that’s orange.

17、近年来,我国积极推广“无车日”活动,以节约能源和保护环境。科学家也正在研制太阳能汽车和燃料电池汽车,减少对空气的污染。⑩you h**e banana, but i h**e egg.


1 孔明同学买铅笔m支,每支0.4元,买练习本n本,每本2元,那么他买铅笔和练习本一共花了元?2 每户每月用电如果不超过100度,那么每度电 按a元收费,如果超过100度,那么超过部分每度电价按b元收费,某户居民在一个月内用电160度,则这户居民这个月应缴费元?3 重百超市推出如下优惠方案 一次性购...

七年级a an the练习题

冠词a an the 的用法。不定冠词a 和an,表示微弱的 一 的概念,表示的名词不特定为哪一个。a 用在辅音因素开头的单词或字母前,an 用在以元音因素开头的单词或字母前。表示数量 一 a book an egg a useful tool an hour 笼统地指某人或某物,但不具体说明。th...


2013 2014学年度第一学期期末调研考试。数学试题。一 填空题 1 8小题每小题2分,9 12小题每小题3分,共28分 1 计算。2 若分式有意义,则x的取值范围是。3 已知等腰三角形两边的长分别是5和7,则其周长为。4 点p a,2 与点q 1,b 关于y轴对称,则。5 如图1,abc中,ab...