
发布 2023-03-01 15:33:28 阅读 3286






选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)

1. —hello, jenny! how __your teacher? —she is fine.

a. beb. amc. isd. are

2. the girl is wang mei. _is my good friend.

a. sheb. hec. you d. her

3. this is __office.

a. ab. anc. the d. /

4. i h**e three __

a. bookb. penc. pencil d. erasers

5. welcome __our school.

a. tob. inc. at d. on

6. i need __some things for my class.

a. buying b. buysc. to buy d. bought

7. you __my good teacher and friend.

a. amb. isc. are d. be

8. —may i h**e a pencil? —

a. sure. here you areb. thank you.

c. yes, it isd. not at all.

9. —hi, katei am fine. and you?

a. thank youb. how is your father?

c. how are youd. you ok?

10. —nice to meet you

a. how do you dob. the same to you.

c. nice to meet you, tood. thank you

11. look! a __is singing in the tree.

a. pigb. dogc. bird d. fish

12. the girl looks so pretty __red.

a. inb. onc. atd. to

13. —is it your scarf? —

a. yes, it isn’t. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is. d. no, it aren’t.

14. they mix white and red __pink.

a. makeb. ****** c. to make d. makes

15. is it __old book?

a. ab. anc. thed. /

16. —pencils do you h**e? —i h**e three.

a. how old b. how many c. how much d. what

17. —is your sweater? —it is red.

a. whatb. what colour c. howd. how many

18. my hat is too __i want a new one.

a. newb. oldc. bigd. small

19. we can h**e __in the park.

a. funb. funsc. fand. fans

20. —you look so nice today

a. thank you b. yes, it is c. sured. the same to you


hello! 21 name is li ming. i 22 chinese boy.

i h**e 23 sister. 24 name is li yue. she 25 a student.

she is 26 class four. it is a big class. i 27 two friends.

they 28 li lei and jenny. li lei is a chinese boy, 29 . but jenny is a canadian (加拿大的) 30 .

21. a. ib. mec. myd. her

22. a. am b. isc. ared. h**e

23. a. anb. ac. twod. /

24. a. he b. shec. herd. his

25. a. isb. arec. bed. am

26. a. onb. atc. ford. in

27. a. am b. hasc. h**ed. are

28. a. isb. bec. ared. h**e

29. a. two b. tooc. tod. /

30. a. boy b. girlc. mand. teacher


athe girl in a red hat is kate. the boy in red shorts is danny. kate is danny’s sister.

kate’s friend is li wei. li wei is danny’s friend, too. kate and li wei like green sweaters, but danny’s f**ourite clothes are red shorts.

they live in china. they are in different(不同的) classes, but in the same school. mrs.

zhang and miss li are their teachers.

31. _is red hat now.

a. kateb. danny c. li wei d. miss li

32. _are li wei’s friends.

a. kate and jennyb. danny and jenny

c. kate and dannyd. mrs. zhang

33. danny and kate are __


a. classmatesb. friendsc. brother and sister d. teachers

34. _are li wei’s teachers.

a. mrs. zhangb. mrs. zhang and miss li c. miss li d. jenny

35. danny’s f**ourite clothes are __

a. red shortsb. sweatersc. pantsd. shirts

bmy name is tom. i am from canada. i am 13 years old.

i live in hebei now. i h**e a chinese friend. her name is wu min.

we are in class four. she is 14 years old. we h**e only one classroom.

we h**e different classes in the classroom. our english teacher is mr. zhang.

he is a good teacher. we all like him.

36. tom is __years old.

a. 12b. 13c. 14d. 15

37. tom is from __

a. americab. chinac. canadad. japan

38. tom lives in __

a. hebeib. henanc. hunand. shanghai

39. tom is in __

a. class fourb. class twoc. class three d. class one

40. we know(知道) that mr. zhang is very __

a. popular(受欢迎的) b. youngc. talld. old



hello, everyone! 43. nice to meet you.

my name is jenny. i am a girl. i come from canada.

that is my friend. 44. 他叫王梅。

she is in xi’an. we are in the same class. where is she?

she is in our classroom. she is drawing(画)a picture with her crayons. 45.

does, h**e, many, she, how, crayons she has nine. let’s go an meet her.


41. jenny is a chinese girl

42. wang mei has __crayons.


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