七年级第一学期复习 1

发布 2023-02-28 14:23:28 阅读 5208

姓名学号七( )班。


1. something want he for to family buy his (连词成句)

2. he at not all like them (连词成句)

3. why not h**e some bread for breakfast ? 变同义句)

h**ing some bread for breakfast ?

4. i would like some salt . 用sugar改为选择问句 )

like some saltsugar ?

5. what’s the price ( ** ) of the skirt ? 变同义句 )

is the skirt ?

6. like with dinner this evening h**e would me to you ? 连词成句)

7. would you like some more fish ? 作否定回答)

8. i’d like to h**e a pear . 用apple改为选择问句 )

like to h**e a pear

9. my sister is busy tonight . 变同义句 )

my sisterthis evening .

10. is your mother free tomorrow morning ? 变同义句 )

your mothertomorrow morning ?

11. tom has no time this sunday . he has to help his sister study english . 变同义句)

tomthis sunday . he has to help his sister her english .

12. she isn’t in at the moment . 变同义句 )

she isn’tnow . she is

13. afraid the number i wrong am you h**e (连词成句)

14. give could to call him a ask you me this evening ? 连词成句)

15. for i can take message her a ? 连词成句)

16. what about dancing with me ? 变同义句 )

dance with me ?

17. she has no time . 变同义句 )

shetime .

18. he wants two bottles of milk . 划线提问)

hehe19. pandas are my f**orite animals . 划线提问)

animals do you

20. what time is it now ? 变同义句 )

now ?21. this is their orange car .

theyorange car . the orange car is

22. it’s ten forty-five now . 变同义句 )

it iseleven .

23. it’s ten thirty now . 变同义句 )

it’sten now .

24. the baby tiger’s home is over there . 划线提问)

the baby tiger’s home ?

25. it is five o’clock now . i must go for sports . 变同义句 )

it issports .

26. my uncle works in a big factory .

变一般问句your unclein a big factory ?


变否定句: my unclein a big factory .

划线提问your uncle

27. what’s wrong ? 变同义句 )


28. 我有什么能帮上忙的吗? 我想帮我妹妹买些衣服。

can i do you ? i wantsome clothes my daughter .

29. 这条蓝色裙子看上去不错,我想试穿一下。

the blue skirti want to

30. 你觉得白色的那件怎样? 很合我身,我非常喜欢。

do youthat white one ?

itveryme . i like it very much .

31. 你觉得这条裤子怎样? 太短了,我简直不喜欢。

do youthis pair of trousers ?

it’s too short . ilike it

32. 你喜欢这条裤子的哪一方面?我喜欢它的颜色。

do youthis pair of trousers ?

i like

33. 这裤子看上去不同,为什么不试穿一下呢?

the trousers

34. may i use your ruler ?

sorry . i don’t h**e one .


35. 他通常晚上七点钟做作业。

he usuallyseven then evening .

36. 我可以为你点菜了吗?请稍等。

may iplease .

37. 他们对我友好,所以我乐意在这儿。

theyme , so ihere .

38. 你妈妈今天下午有空吗?

your motherthis afternoon ?

your motherthis afternoon ?


go to beihai parka picnic ?

七年级第一学期期末复习 1

17 如果 0,那么代数式的值为。a b c d 18 某商人不了解市场 进了一批过时的服装,定价比进价只高出20 结果卖不。出去,只好将定价降低20 这样每件只卖96元,该商人每卖出一件服装 a 不赔不赚 b 赚8元 c 赚4元 d 赔4元。三 解答题。19 本题6分 计算。20 本题6分 先化简...


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期中复习 七年级第一学期

期中复习。一 词语。阅历积淀怂恿携带秉性嶙峋训诫。边缘啜泣纳罕归省行辈撺掇絮叨。缥缈管束秩序年纪。二 易错诗句 1 赠君一法决狐疑,不用钻龟与祝蓍。2 周公恐惧流言日,王莽谦恭未篡时。3 万籁此俱寂,但余钟磬音。4 柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。5 一男附书至,二男新战死。三 文学常识 1 女孩独立 作者...