
发布 2023-02-28 14:26:28 阅读 5341

复习卡3 词组复习:

unit 1 lesson1

1.在市中心in the centre of town

2.在郊区in the suburbs

3、平方米square metres

多大how big/how large

4.公共交通public transport

5.在高楼里in a highrise

6.朝南face (d) south


agree (d) with me/us/him/her/them

8.住宅区housing estate

9.有好的视野 h**e a good view


should choose a flat with two bedrooms

expensive =cheaper 不如。。。贵/比。。更便宜。

unit 2 lesson2

1.淤泳池swimming pool.

2.许多做运动开放场地a lot of open space for sports

3.过去常常做某事used to do sth

否:didn’t use to…

疑:did …use to…

4.肯定来certainly come


almost lost my / our / his /their way

6.清楚地看见/听见 see / hear ….clearly

7.。。怎样(两个)what’s ….like? =how’s…

8.好的和现代化设施nice and modern facilities

9.绿地green area

10.十分钟的路程ten minutes’ walk

多远how far

unit 1 lesson3


look after (me / my self / himself / themselves) well

take good care of….

2.出发,动身set out =set off= start

3.植树节planting trees

4.做有关。。。课题do a project on…

5.砍倒树木cut down trees

6.几个商店several shops =a few /some

7.足够大large enough

8.使我们的城市更美丽make our city more beautiful

9.晚几分钟a few minutes late

10.早点到学校来come to school earlier

unit 2 lesson 1

1.国庆节national day 国旗national flag


decorate(d) our classroom with flowers and ballons

3.庆祝这个特殊节日celebrate this special day


call on/ visit/see friends and relatives

5.举行联欢会h**e a gala

6.无论如何谢谢你thank you anyway / all the same

7.别的什么what else / anything else

8.家庭成员family memebers

9.接受请帖accept(ed) an invitaion

邀请某人去。。。invite (d) sb to…

10.你的计划是什么?what’s your plan for….?

11.参军join(ed) the army

12.到处(两个)everywhere =here and there

13.rise (rose ) 上升=go(went) up

起床=get (got) up

站起来=stand (stood) up

14.开会h**e / hold a meeting h**e-had; hold-held

unit 2 lesson 2

1.在春节at spring festival

2.中国传统节日traditional chinese festivals


eat (ate) moon cakes and enjoy(ed) the moon

4.燃放烟火set off fireworks

5.携带灯笼carry (carried) lanterns

6.**灯展watch (ed) a lantern display


could you tell me something about….


sweep (swept) tombs to remember the dead

8.在除夕夜on new year’s eve

9.新年庆祝活动new year celebrations

10.做一些大扫除do some cleaning

11.压岁钱lucky money

12.上演节目put on performances

13.shall we go and watch the lantern display?

= why not go… /what about going…

14.need to do需要做某事 / need sth需要某物。

否don’t need to do = needn’t do 不必做某事。

否don’t need sth不需要某物。


1.在圣诞节on christmas day / at christmas

在圣诞前夜on christmas eve

2.试穿它/它们try (tried) it /them on

3.试衣室changing room

4.小号/中号/大号size small/medium/large

在我尺码in my size


what’s your size / what size do you wear?

5.很适合我fit me well

怎么适合我how does you fit?

6.给我打折give (g**e) me a discount


give me a 10 percent discount

=h**e it at 10 percent off

7.等等and so on


hang (hung) stars and lights

9.我该**睡觉了it’s time for me to go to bed.


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