
发布 2023-02-28 13:48:28 阅读 6512


一. 按字母表顺序写出五个元音音素的大小写形式(共10分)

二 . 词汇(共30分)


. 一支钢笔他的名字


.看电视in english

7.excuese me8.ice cream

.play ping pong10 h**e lunch

b . 按要求写出相应的词(10)

1 . this(反义词you(同音字母。

.sister (对应词h**e(单数第三人称)

.do not(缩写形式know(同音词。


.watch(单数第三人称is not(缩写形式。


1. am a boy. name is tom. (i)

2 . he has fourdictionary)

3. this is mother. (she)

4. the (key) are under the bed.

5. are (that) your friends?

6. let (we) go home .

7. they eat many (orange) every day.

8 . lily is (lucy) sister.

9. i want to h**e somechicken)


) 1. hello ! am grace .

a i b . you c. i d . he

) 2. how she ?

a . am b . are c. is d . be

) 3. is this in english ?

a . how b .what d. why

) 4. this is eraser .

a . anb . a cd . the

) 5. jacket , pleasej-a-c-k-e-t.”

a . this b. what c. how d. spell

) 6. and three is eight .

a. two b. three c. four d. five

) 7. “are you jennyi’m kate .

a . no , i’m not b . yes , i am c. no , i am d . yes , i am not

) 8. is that his ?

a . a book b . book c . books d . an book

) 9. he h**e a soccerball ?

a . does b . do c . are d . is

) 10. “is my backpsck ?”it’s on the sofa ”.

a . who b . what c . where d . how

) 11. where are her keys

a. yes , they are , it isn’t

c. they’re keysd. sorry , i don’t know.

) 12. thank you the photo of your family .

a . of b . for c. at d . to

) you h**e a tennis racket

a .yes, i h**eb. no , you don’t

c. no , i don’td. no , i h**en’t

) take these things him.

a . tob . atc. on d . under

) 15. she like bananas.

a . don’t b . doesn’t c. isn’t d . aren’t

) 16. let’s h**e

a . a supper b . the supper c. suppers d . supper

) friend mei likes playing tennis.

ab . ac. and . the

) mother’s mother is your .

a. uncle b. grandfather c. grandmother d. brother

) 19. here my family photo !

a . be b . are c. is d . am

) 20. let’s play soccer .

no , it’s let’s play game .

a . interesting b . fun c. boring d . good

四 . 句型转换(每空一词 , 共10分)

1 . this is a jacket . 变为复数句)

these2 . the pen is yellow (划线部分提问)

is the pen ?

3 . do you like oranges ? 作否定回答)

i4 . my consin has a volleyball . 变为一般疑问句)

your consin a volleyball ?

5 . it is her dictionary . 改为否定句)

ither dictionary .

五 . 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

a . 用所给动词的适当形式填空(共5分)

1 . nicemeet) you .

2 . let’splay) soccer.

3 . thatsound) good.

4 . li pingh**e) some apple.

5 . can youbring) some things to school

b . 用am , is或 are 填空(共5分)

1 . what your name ?

2 . how you? ”

ifine , thanks .”

3 . these my english books .

4 . my father’s telephone number 139***

六 . 从ⅱ栏中找出与ⅰ栏相应的答语(共10分)

)1. hi , alicea . it’s a ruler.

) 2. what’s thisb . yes , they do.

) 3. do they like french fries? c . no , i’m not.


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