
发布 2023-02-28 10:36:28 阅读 2857

一. 单词变化。

复数反义词单三4..get to (同义词。

5. late(反义词 (副词 (否定形式反义词。


1read) in the sun is bad for your eyes2. you can’t break the r

3not fight) with each other in the classroom. 4. we can eat in the dhall every day

5. don’t run in the hit’s dangerous6. notalk) in class!

7. grace is wearing the school utoday8. the girl often comes back early on snights.


) can eat in the cafeteria. but we __eat in the classroom.

a. don’t b. didn’t c. can’td. aren’t

) jim goesthe classroom the teacher is h**ing class.

a. tob. inc. outd. into

) 3.” no___says the sign

a. smokeb. smokingc. smokes d. to smoke

) 4. -can you cook fi****’s easy.

a. no, i can’t b. yes, i can c. sorry, i can’t d. yes, i need

) talkin the library.

a. loudb. loudlyc. lowd. lowly

) h**e __rules in my home. we h**ehomework to do today.

a. too many, too much b. too much, many too c. too many, much too d. much too, many too

) 7.-can your brother swim

a. yes, he can’t b. yes, pleasec. no, he can’t d. yes, he does

) raining all day, so istay at home.

a. mustb. h**e toc. must tod. can

) neverclass

a. arriveb. late for c. arrive late d. late

) has to __by 10:00 o’clock.

a. be in bedb. is bed c. stay bedd. lie bed

四.用 e.补全对话。

a. you are luckyb. reallyc. i can’t go out on school nights.

d. i h**e to stay at home. e. it’s too bad.

a: can you go to the movies tonight, emily

b: no, i 1

a: oh, i can’t, either. i want to go out, but 2 .

b: 3 . i h**e too many rules in my family.

a; family rules? like what

b: i can’t play with my friends after school .a4

b: yeah, i h**e to go home by 5:30 and do my homework.

a: oh, i do, too. and i h**e to practice playing the piano every day.

b: do you h**e to wash your clothes?

a: yes, i do. i think 5 .


1. you must look after you sister. (同义句)

youlook after your sister.

2. i can’t arrive late for school改为祈使句)

3. we can listen to music outside the hallways. (对画线部分提问)

we listen to music?

4. uncle wang does housework on weekend. (改一般疑问句)

___uncle wang __housework on weekend?

can’t turn on the radio. (改为祈使句on the radio.


1.我不得不做英语作业ido my english homework.

2.我觉得我家的约束太多了。 i think i h**erules in my house.

3.我晚上10:00 前必须**睡觉。i h**e to __in bedten o’clock in the evening.

4.你认为你的英语课怎么样? what do youyour english class?

5.我们不能在教室里吃东西。 we can’tin the

6.放学后我得练弹钢琴ipractice the pianoschool.

7.有课的晚上我们不应该看电视。 we shouldn’ttvschool


9.**课上我们可以唱歌跳舞。 wesing and danceclass.

10.我们可以在食堂吃饭weeat in the schoolhall.

七. 书面表达。(60字)

my family rules. (假如你是mike ,家里有很多约束,你写信给你的笔友john,倾诉你内心的烦恼和不快。开头已给出)

dear, john,i’m not happy…


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