2019外研社英语七年级上期末专项复习试题 二

发布 2023-02-25 04:13:28 阅读 8617




1. 可数名词。

1) 可数名词有单数、复数之分:

2) 单数可数名词如何变复数:

3) 要点注意:

a. kangaroo是oo结尾,虽然也有生命也只能加s;

b. 民族名词以sh、ch、ese结尾,单复数同形,其余加s:

一个日本人 a japanese;仨日本人 three japanese

一个美国人 an american;五位美国人 five americans

2. 不可数名词。


三、there be句型。

1. “there be”句型的结构为:[,

桌子上有一些书本。theresomethe desk.

我们班里有20位女生。theretwentyour class.

大明班的教室里有42张桌子。thereforty-twodaming's classroom.

冰箱里有一些鸡肉。theresomein the fridge.


桌子上有一些牛奶amilkthe table.

2. there be句型中,若存在的为复数名词,用are、单数名词和不可数名词,用is:

therean apple on the table.

theremany students on the playground.

therestill some water in the cup.


theresome water and apples in the fridge.

therean apple and two bananas in the box.

theremany students and a teacher in the classroom.

3. 改一般疑问句,be动词提前,有some,some改any:

there is a pencil in my pencil-case.

a pencil in my pencil-case?


there are some oranges in her bag.

oranges in her bag?


there is some juice in the bottle.

juice in the bottle?


4. 改否定句,be后加not,some改any:

there is a computer in my office.

→ therea computer in my office.

there are four children in the classroom.

→ therefour children in the classroom.\

there are some bananas in the tree.

→ therebananas in the tree.

there is some meat on the table.

→ theremeat on the table.

5. “are there any 复数名词 + 地方?”的回答:

几种情况:1) yes, there are some. 2) yes, there is (only) one. 3) no. there aren't any.

a. “are there any birds in the tree?”


b. “are there any students in the classroom?”


c. “are there any pandas in tainan zoo (台南动物园)?”


6. 改特殊疑问句的两种情况:

1) 问“某地有什么?”不遵循三部曲原则,问用“what's + 地方?”,答用“there be句型”。

aunder the chair? 椅子底下有什么?

thereunder the chair. 椅子底下有一只猫。

bon the teacher's desk? 讲台上有什么?

thereon the teacher's desk. 讲台上有一台电脑。

cin the glass (玻璃杯)? 玻璃杯里有什么?

therein the glass. 玻璃杯里有一些牛奶。

din the box? 盒子里有什么?

therein the box. 盒子里有一些书籍。

2) 回答“how many + 复数名词 are there + 地方?”也有三情况:

三种情况:1) there are 数词(≥2). 2) there is (only) one. 3) there aren't any.

a. how many girls are there in the garden? 花园里有几位女孩?


2019外研社英语七年级上期末专项复习试题 一

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