
发布 2023-02-24 16:59:28 阅读 3586

哈佛国际教育七年级英语试题 unit 1 this is me!

第一课时 comic strip & welcome to the unit


1. —who is the dog’s主人) —eddie.

2. please读) this book. it’s very interesting.

3. good下午), boys and girls. let’s h**e our class.

4be)your sister in class two? —yes.

5. i don’t know howdrive) a car.

6. kate and ibe) good friend.

7. i h**e manyapple). do you want one?

8. please tell me yourname), boys and girls.


1. i h**e e-dog. its name is hobo. a. a b. an c. the d. /

2. —is mr green your teacher? —yesa. he is b . he doesn’t c. he does d. he isn’t

3. —hi, kitty

a. good morning, jimmy. b.

what’s your name c. how are you today? d.

hi, millie.

4. —jenny, can you my dog when i am away? —no problem.

a. look up b. look in c. look at d. look after

5. —good morning, mr zhang

a. good morning. b. good bye c. good afternoon d. good evening


1. 她喜欢电子狗she

2. 现在唱这首歌the song

3. 你好,我叫尼克。见到你很高兴nickyou.

4. “你是我的老师吗” “是的you teacher? —yes, i ,5. 晚上好,迈克mike.

第二课时 reading


1. —are you new students? —yes. we are in class twoseven.

2. sandy doesn’t h**e long头发).

3. i喜爱) eating ice cream on a hot day. there’s nothing better.

4. i play with my friends在……之后) school every day.

5. let’s与……会面) my new friend, tom.

6. light**) makes people relaxed.

7. my pencil is too短的). i want a long one.

8. running makes your body strong and阅读) can make you learn a lot.


1. anna is very good atswim).

2. —where isi) english book? —sorry, i don’t know.

3. let’smeet) our classmates and teachers.

4be) your friends from nantong? —yes, they are.

5. mary lovesdance) very much at weekends.

6. amy does not likesport),7. sandy is tall and slim andshe) hair is long.

8. my pencil is short butmillie) pencil is long.


1. d**id is not tall. he isa. long b. big c. slim d. short

2. my brother likes playing football, but i like playing piano.

a. a; theb. the; thec. thed. /the

3. lucybut i love drawing pictures.

a. love watches tv b. loves watches tv c. loves watching tv d. loves watch tv

4. liu tao a student, but his brother and sister students.

a. is; are not b. are; is not c. is; not are d. are; are not

5. ann has a cat, and she

a. likes it very much. b. very likes it c. like it very much d. very much like it

6. —what’s your f**ourite , tom? —i like playing football best.

a. fruit b. sport c.

food d. shopping

7. —are you new students? —no, .a. i am. b. i’m not c. we are d. we aren’t

8. liu tao’s parents beijing? a.

are; come from b. do; from c. are; from d.

do; comes from

9. daniel listening to the radio. a.

don’t like b. doesn't like c. isn’t like d.

aren’t like


1. i do well in playing basketball. (同义句转换) i amplaying basketball.

2. her hair is long and black. (同义句转换) shehair.

3. their names are millie and kitty. (对划线部分提问their names?

4. his mother is 38 years old. (对划线部分提问his mother?

5. my english teacher is from america. (对划线部分提问is your english teacher .


1. 我的祖母长着白发。 my grandmother

2. 玛丽擅长数学。 marymaths.

3. 杨颖非常喜爱**。她也喜欢唱歌。 yang ying loves musicshe likestoo.

4. 他们不在教室。 theythe classroom.

5. 丹尼尔不是来自北京,他来自南京。 danielfrom beijing. he isnanjing.


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