
发布 2023-02-24 15:36:28 阅读 8916

预习内容-unit 4section a


that restaurant to do sth. 3. want to be…

assistant sb. sth. 6. get… from…

the day of dangerous

to sb. sb. questions out to dinners

ii.预习p19-21的内容,能翻译1a,1c,2c,grammar focus,3a,3b.





1).my uncle works in that restaurant

2).what does he do

3). he’s a waiter

4).i work with people and money. people give me their money or get their money from me.

5).i work late. i’m very busy when people go out to dinners.

知识点拨。1.对职业提问what do you do?或what does she/he do?

答语是“i’m...she/he is...

其“what do you do?”的同义句为:what are you? /what is your job?

what does he do?”的同义句为:what is he? /what is his job?

2. 1) want +名词想要。i want an apple.我想要一个苹果。

2)want to do sth.想做/干某事。

she wants to watch tv after school.她放学后想看电视。

3) want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事。

we want a teacher to teach soccer ,volleyball and tennis.


4)want to be...想成为。

tom wants to be a reporter.汤姆想成为一名记者。

v.完成《前沿》p22-24页 unit4 中第一 、二课时课堂学习与反馈。

预习内容-unit 4section b


exciting job interesting job late

hard a stories

for… karen at 555-8823

with other young people play





1. would you like to work us ?

2. she works at a tv station a reporter。

can call me 564-9853。

4. i like to work the day , and i hate to work night 。

5. people can get money the bank clerk。

知识点拨。n.工作,零工;可数名词 an exciting job

work n.工作;不可数名词。

he want a job but he can’t find work in the town.

work v.工作 we must work hard.

2. wanted ad 招聘广告。

3. news 消息。不可数名词 a piece of news 一则消息

two pieces of news

5. we h**e a job for you as a waiter. 我们可以为你提供一份做侍者的工作。


2)as作为。又如:he works in the school as a teacher. 他在学校当老师。

6. do you want to work for a magazine? 你想为杂志社工作吗?

work for+机构” 为某机构工作。如:he works for a computer company.

v.完成《前沿》24-27页 unit4 中第。



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