
发布 2023-02-23 07:35:28 阅读 2248


1. _the evening of may 31, the 2002 fifa world cup started in south on

b. atc. of

d. in2. there __some interesting news in yesterday’s is

b. are

c. was

d. were3. sorry, mr. wu. imy homework forget doing

b. forget to do

c. forgot doing

d. forgot to do4. last night his sisterlots of homework to has

b. had

c. h**e

d. is h**ing5. i can see two __and three __in the cows; sheeps

b. cows; sheep

c. cow; sheep

d. cow; sheeps6. manycome tothe great wall every visits; visit

b. visitors; visits

c. visitors; visit

7. the girl wasscared that she very

b. too

8. we don’t how to do

b. what to do

c. what to do it

d. where to doc. so

d. muchd. visits; visits9. we watch the studentssoccer every to play

10very when did you go there

c. how was your weekend

b. what did you do yesterdayd. where did you go this morningb. play

c. played

d. plays11. _a hot morning, he went to the pool with his on

b. inc. at

d. of12your parents at home last night?a. were

b. are

c. was

d. is13. next sunday is my sister’s birthday. i want tofor visit my aunt

b. h**e a party

c. study for a testd. go to the beach**后可自行编辑修改,页脚**后可删除。

14. how can you make the snakeaway?a. go

b. to go

c. going

d. went15did he go last weekend?

the what

b. how

c. when

d. where**后可自行编辑修改,页脚**后可删除。


1. a有年有月有日用介词on,应选a项。

2. c昨天的新闻发生在过去,排除a,b两项;news是不可数名词,应选c项was。

3. d根据时间状语yesterday可知,句子的时态用一般过去时,排除a,b两项;忘记做作业,作业没有做,应用forget to do sth.,应选d项。

4. b根据时间状语last night可知,句子的时态用一般过去时,应选b项。

5. bcow的复数是cows;sheep的复数和原形一样,应选b项。

6. cmany修饰复数名词;to是不定式符号,后接动词原形,应选c项。

7. cso…that意为“如此……以至于……〞应选c项。

8. b此题考察疑问词+不定式。a项中的how是副词,do后缺少宾语;c项中what是代词,故可作do的宾语,it多余;d项中的where与do不搭配,应选b项。

9. bwatch后面接省略不定式符号to的动词原形作宾语补足语,应选b项。

10. c根据答语“非常乏味〞可知,问句的引导词应用how,应选c项。

11. a具体到某一天的上午、下午和晚上用介词on,应选a项。

12. a时间状语是last night,表示过去,排除b,d两项;parents是复数,排除c项,应选a项。

13. ba项意为“看望姑姑〞;b项意为“举行聚会〞;c项意为“为测验而学习〞;d项意为“去海滩〞。根据句意可知,应该是为妹妹的生日“举行聚会〞,应选b项。


15. d根据答语“海滩〞可知,问句询问地点,应选d项where。

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