
发布 2023-02-22 21:31:28 阅读 4433




step 1 revision

利用教室里的实物复习句型what’s…? there is a…/ there are some…where is it/ where are they?如:

t:what’s in the picture? s:there is/ are…

t:where is it?/where are they? s:it’s…/they are…

step2 presentation


t:who’s he? s:he’s a boy.


t:who are they? s:they are some boys.

show some pictures to the students. include a boy, some boys, a girl, some girls, a man, some men, a woman, some women.

teacher: what is in this picture?

students: there is a boy./girl/man/woman/child

teacher: what is in that picture?

students: there are some boys/girls/men/women/children.

step3 look, read and say

page 56, part 1. play the tape twice. ask the students listen and repeat.

pay attention to the students pronounce men and women correctly. at last, explain in chinese that most words in english are made plural by adding? -s or -es, but that there are some exceptions.

a child---four children a man---five men a woman---six women a chinese---seven chinese an american---ten americans

step 4 presentation

show the pictures again.

t: how many boys/girls/men/women/children are there?

ss: there are two children. or: there is only one.

t: where is he/she? or: where are they?

is he/she at work/at home? or: are they at school?

ss: yes, he/she is. or: no, they aren’t. they are …

step 5 ask and answer

h**e the ss ask and answer similar questions in pairs.

step 6 count

look at the picture: part 3, but before listening to the tape, ask them to count the kites and birds, and the teacher asks: how many kites are there in the sky?

how many birds are there in the sky?

the ss answer: there are thirteen kites and two birds in the sky.

then read and say in pairs. at last, ask some groups to act it out in front of the class.

step 7 teach the new words, using the flashcards.

step 8 drawing

divide the class into some groups, ask them to draw some pictures in pairs.

then they describe the pictures using: there is a… there are some…

step 9 ask and answer

using the pictures ( they h**e drawn , step 7) one group asks:

is there/ are there any…?

and the other group answers: yes, there is. no, there aren’t, etc.

step 10 read and say

page 57 part 1. listen to the tape twice. ss listen and repeat.

step 11 look any say

page 57. part 2.

step 12 in pairs

ask and answer similar questions about the classroom, the bedroom, their school, the teachers’ office, their family in pairs.

step 13 consolidation







1)there is a light near the window.(改为一般疑问句)

2)there is a map on the wall.(改为否定句)

3)there is a map on the wall.(与a kite构成选择疑问句)

4)is there a for in the picture?(否定回答)

step 14 homework

1.根据课文内容,编排新对话。用there + be句型描述教室。





lesson 47教学。

teaching aims:

words: any, animal, people

be 句型。

use the following phrases freely

there ayes, there any ..

there any ..yes, there are/no, there aren't.

many kites are there in the sky?

there are fifteen./there is only one.

teaching procedures:

step 1 revision

(制成课件, 通过大屏幕展示)

(showing a picture one pointing to the picture and asking the ss)

t: is there a river in the picture?

s: yes, there is.

t: is there a boat in the river?

s: yes, there is.

t: is there a house in the picture?

s: yes, there is.

t: is there is a cat under the tree?

s: yes, there is.

step 2 presentation


t: is there a cat on the blackblard? (a picture of a cat)

s: yes, there is.

t: is there a dog? (a picture of a dog)

s: yes, there is.

t: what are these?(point to all of the pictures)

s: they are animals.


t: is a cat an animal?

s: yes, it is.

t: is a dog an animal? (问学生a)

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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