
发布 2023-02-22 00:06:28 阅读 3985


一. 翻译。

1. 在对面2. 等候轮到你。

3. 在。。。拐角处4. 继续往前走。

5. 到达那儿/这儿/家6. 禁止停止。

7. 直直往前走8. 受伤。

9. 丧生,失去生命10. 一张超速罚款单。

11. 上学不要迟到。

12. 课堂上保持安静。

13. 不要在街上玩。

14. 小心!当心!

15. 请问,附近有银行吗?

16. 请问,我怎样才能到达博物馆?


18. 打扰一下,你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?



21. 离这儿大约12 公里远。

22. 沿着这条街走到尽头。

23. 沿着新华路走,在第一个十字路口向左拐。

24. 沿着这条路走直到你到达北四环路。

25. 你需要搭乘718路公交车。

26. 它在右前方约100米处。

27. 你不会错过它的。

28. 你应该换乘108路车。

29. 帮助小孩和老人过马路是很好的。

30. 我们不可以在街上玩滑板。



2not play) on the street.

3keep) quiet in class.

needchange) to the bus no.718.

5. it’s goodhelpchildcross) the road.

6. we muststop) andlook) both ways before

wecross) the road.

7. i’m sorryhear) you that your dogs lost theirlife) in the accident.

8. we shouldbe) careful when wewalk) near traffic.

9. herebe) two tickets forspeed) and


is nopark) here.

11. turn left at the secondcross), you willfind) it on your right.

12he usuallydo) his homework at school?

13. listen! i can hear mr. leeplay) the piano.

14. mr. wangdrive) her car at the moment.


上) this streetthe end.

沿着) xinhua street and turn leftthe first crossing.

3. go穿过) the bridge. it’s about 50 meters

the right.

4. the bookstore is对面,正对着) the school.

5. there is a parkthe librarythe restaurant.

6. excuse me, how can i getthe train station?

7. could you tell me the waythe bus stop?

8. turn left and walkyou can’t miss it.

9. beitai road is about 15 kilometershere.

10. you should changethe no.108 busanzhen bridge.

year many people get hurttraffic accidents.

12. we must stop and look both wayswe cross the road.

13. we must never playthe street.

14. don’t be lateschool.

15. waityour turn when the light is red.


1. park the car there.(否定句)

the car there.

2. watch tv at home. (否定句)

at home.

3. how can i get to zhongshan park? (同义句)

the way to zhongshan park?

zhongshan park?

could youzhongshan park?

4. you must never talk in class. (同义句)


班级姓名分数。重点单词。1.沿着2.转弯3.米4.横过。5.桥6.直到 为止7.千米8.应该。9.更换10.车站11.危险12 安全的。13.公共的14.灯15.规则16.穿过。17.受伤18.失去19.两个都20.第三。21.指示牌22.在 以前23 罚款单24.超速行驶。25.最后26.小心的2...


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