
发布 2023-02-21 10:39:28 阅读 8902

unit 1

重点短语:1. be from…=come from …来自2.

a little french一点点法语3. on weekends在周末4. write to sb给某人写信5.

tell sbabout…把关于…的情况告诉某人 and dislikes喜欢和不喜欢。

7.like doing sth (习惯性动作)爱好like to do sth (具体某一次性动作)喜欢干某事8. live in﹝+大地方﹞/ at﹝+小地方﹞/ on﹝+楼层﹞…住在…

/ would like to do sth想要干什么want / would like sth想要某物want / would like sb to do sth想某人干某事10.本单元的国家,人民、语言对应。canada---canadian---english / frenchfrance---french---frenchjapan---japanese---japaneseaustralia---australian---english

the united states---american---englishthe united kingdom---british---enghish句型:

1.-where is your pen pal from?/where do you come from?

-he’s from australia./he comes from china .2.

-where does he live? =which place does he live in?-he lives in tokyo

3.-is that from your new pen pal?-yes, it is.4.-what language does she speak?

she speaks english and a little french.5. does she h**e any brothers or sisters?

6. i like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.

unit 2

重点短语:1. across from…在…对面。

2. in front of …在…前面(范围之外)/ in the front of …在…前部(范围之内)3. next to…在…旁边。

4. go straight along/down沿着…直走5. welcome to …欢迎来…6.

take a walk through …走过… doing sth喜欢做某事8. turn left / turn right向左拐/右拐。

9. h**e fun ( doing sth ) enjoy oneself = h**e a good time玩得高兴10. take a taxi打的、乘出租车。

11. the way to …通往…的路 in / at …到达…13. in the neighborhood在邻里间。

14. the beginning of ……的开端at the beginning of …在…开始时 sb do sth让某人做某事句型:

1.-is there…near here? =where is the…= how can i get to…?

which is the way to…? could you tell me the way to…?2.

-where’s the supermarket?-it’s next to the library.3.

turn left on first **enue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets.4. next to the hotel is a small housewithan interesting garden.

there isa small house with an interesting garden next to the hotel.5. bridge street is a good place to h**e fun

6. if you’re hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket7. i hope you h**e a good trip

unit 3

重点短语:1. kind of = a little…稍许,一点儿。

2. a kind of… /all ) kinds of …一种/各种。。。3. talk about …谈论…(内容)4. play with …玩…/和…玩。

5. be / keep quiet保持安静6. get up起床。

7. during / in the day在白天8. at night在夜里1句型:

1. let’s see the pandas first

2.-why do you like koalas?-because they are cute3.-whatother animalsdo you like?( else )

4.-isn’t he cute?-yes, he is(否定疑问句/反意疑问句)5.

he usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every is twelve years old.=she is a twelve-year-old girl

unit 4

重点短语:1. work with …和…打交道at night在晚上2 in a hospital在医院(工作)/ in hospital住院3 give sb sth = give sth to sb把某物给某人4.

get … from …从…得到/取到…5. ask sb questions问某人问题6. go out to dinners出去吃饭。

7. talk to / with sb和某人谈话talk about sb/ sth谈论某人/某事8. work for sb as a / an …以…(身份)为某人工作9.

work late / hard工作得很晚/辛苦。

10. call sb at …给某人打…(号码)表示状态put on表示动作有时sometimes几次sometime某时some time一段时间句型:

1.询问职业的特殊疑问词是what;有三种主要句式①what + is / are + sb?

what + does/ do + sb + do?

what + is/ are +名词所有格/形容词性物主代词+ job?

2.-what does she want to be?-she wants to be a bank clerk3.

-where does your sister work?-she works in a hospital4. come and work for us as a reporter

5. we are an international school for children of 5-126. we want a teacher to teach soccer.

unit 5

重点短语:1. wait for …等…2. some of ……中的一些3. thanks for sth / doing sth谢谢某人某物/干某事。

4. talk on the phone通过**谈话5. tv show电视节目6.

in the first photo在第一张**上7. be with sb和某人在一起。

8. take a photo ( of …)给…)拍**。

9. in the tree(歇在树上)/ on the tree(长)在树上 +(上午、下午、晚上、周、月、年、季节)

on+(具体到某一天或某天的上午、下午、晚上)at+ (几点钟)

11. family家;家庭。强调“整体”,是单数;强调“成员”时,是复数。句型:

1.-what are you doing?-i’m watching tv2.

is nancy doing homework?-no, she isn’t3.-do you want to go to the movies?


4.-when do you want to go?-let’s go at six o’clock5. what’s he waiting for?

6. what are they talking about?/ who are they talking to?

some of my photos /hereis a photo of my family(倒装句)

unit 6

重点短语:加入政党、组织、社团)/take part in(参加会议或群众性活动)参加2. on vacation在度假。

3. some …others…一些…另一些…

4. lie on the beach躺在海滩上5. this group of people这群人6.

look cool看起来很酷sound terrible听起来很难受7. sb be relaxed某人很放松sth be relaxing某事令人轻松8. report for为…作报道。

surprised at…/ be surprised to do sth / be surprised(that)+从句10. take a photo照相。

12. hope to do sth希望去干某事。

bad !还不错!terrible !太糟糕了!pretty good!相当不错!14. look for…寻找…

15. rain he**ily / hard(雨)下得大。

16. improve my english提高我的英语水平。

17. show sb sth=show sth to sb拿什么给某人看句型:

1.-how’s the weather in beijing? /what’s the weather like in beijing?-it’s cloudy / raining

2.-how’s it going (with you )?

great / pretty good / not bad / terrible

3. look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.]4.

i am surprised they can play in this heat5. everyone is h**ing a good time

6.-what do you do when it’s raining?-i read a book7.

what’s your neighborhood is like?8. i found unit 2 to be the most difficult.






at this time在这时。

at the moment现在。



一般在动词结尾处加ing: go—goinglook--looking


以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加 swim, run, put, get, sit, begin)4.以ie结尾把ie改成ylie---lyingdie---dyingⅳ现在进行时的构成。

肯定句:主语+ am/is/are+ doing +其他+时状。he is doing his homework now.

否定句:主语+am/is/are +not+ doing+其他+时状。he is not doing his homework now.

一般疑问句:am/is/are +主语+ doing+其他+时状?is he doing his homework now?

肯定回答:yes,主语+am/is/are。yes, he is.

否定回答:no,主语+am not/isn’t/aren’t。no, he isn’t.

二、there be句型。



七年级 下 期中复习要点英语

unit 1 重点短语 1.be from come from 来自2.a little french一点点法语5.tell me about 把关于 的情况告诉我。6.japanese for kids儿童日语7.french for today今日法语8.live in at on 住在 句型 ...


要点梳理与训练 book 2 要点梳理。1.too to 意为 太 以至于不能 too后接形容词或副词,to为动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。too to 结构可与句型so that that从句中的谓语用否定形式 互换。如 he is too young to go to school.he is ...


人教版七年级历史 下册 期中复习要点。1 隋朝建立和统一518年,杨建建立隋朝,定都长安。杨建就是隋文帝。589年,隋灭陈,结束南北 实现全国统一。2 隋朝大运河为了巩固统治,隋炀帝开通了一条纵贯南北的大运河。大运河以洛阳为中心,北达涿郡,南至余杭,全长两千多公里,分永济渠,通济渠,邗沟,江南河四段...