
发布 2023-02-21 07:46:28 阅读 1287




1 . who is your f___football player?

2. do you h**e a pen p___

3. sydney is the capital city of a

4. my brother不喜欢) eating eggs and apples.

5. these friends come from many different c___

6. is gina from china? no, he comes from c___

7. us is the short form for the u___s___

8. boys like physics, m___and chemistry (化学).

9.—what l___do you speak? —chinese.

10. people in france speak f___

二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 (10分)

boy is from __japanese).

___live) in shanghai.

3. henot live) in shanghai

your brother 13 __year) old?

___birth) is in september.

___h**e) a little brother.

enjoy __listen) to the pop music very much.

like singing and __play) sports.

time __your brother __do) homework in the evening?

10. how many___child) can you see?


1. my pen pal speaks english. (改为否定句)

my pen palenglish.

boy speaks english. (改为一般疑问句)

that boy __english?

3. that boy can speak english and chinese. (就划线部分提问)

can that boy speak?

4. my english teacher is from shanghai. (就划线部分提问)

your english teacher from?

lives in new york. (就划线部分提问)

she live?

四、单项填空 (15分)

)1. i linyi ,shandong.

a. am from b. am coming from c. is from d. are from

( )2. _mother comes from beijing.

a. heb. shec. his d. hers

( )3. my chinese teacher __shanghai.

a. live in b. live c. lives in d. lives

( )4. can you __japanese?

a. talkb. sayc. speak d. tell

)5. does your father like __at the weekend?

a. going to the moviesb. go to the movie

c. goes to the moviesd. to go to movie

)6. please write a letter and tell me __yourself.

a. forb. byc. tod. about

)7. do you enjoy __the music?

a. to listen to b. listen to c. listening to d. listening

) 8. l want to learn___

a. the japaneseb. japanese language

c. the japanese languaged. japan's language

)9. people in australia speak___

a. australian b. frenchc. korean d. english

) 10. i __china is a very interesting country.

a. thinkb. likec. sure d. speak

) 11. sydney is a city in___

a. canadab. australia c. america d. japan

)12. kate___playing sports.

a. doesn’t like b. isn’t like c. don’t like d. doesn’t likes

)13your birthday?

— it’s november 11th.

a. whenb. when isc. what is d. what time is

)14. —your f**orite subject?

— math.

a. what’s b. where c. how d. what

)15. he is 13 years old and his birthday is___june.

a. atb. toc. in d. on



1. —where are you from?

2. —do you speak english?

3. —how do you like china?

4. —what do you like about china?

5. —do you come from england?

a. yes, but only a littleb. the people and the food.

c. no, i come from australia. d. i like it very much.

e. what about you? f. yes, i like it. g. we’re from canada.

六、根据汉语意思完成下列句子 (10 分)


i __think she is __brazil.


is she __


myis chinese.


i thinka very interesting place.


i can speakfrench.


liu hua is li wei’s pen pal, and now he is in a high school in sydney. this is a letter from liu hua 1 li wei.)

dear li wei,

thank you for your postcard. i am 2 to you in the readingroom. now i h**e many new friends here.

jim is one of them. he is 13 years old, his mother is an american, 3 his father is from canada. he often 4 me to go to his home for dinner.

his family like china very much. at the school, we h**e many good teachers. one of them is from the usa.

we 5 her miss green. she teaches 6 english. our french teacher is mr brown.

he comes 7 paris. he loves us very much, and we all love him. our chinese teacher is mr scott, jim’s father.

after school, he often talks to me 8 chinese. 9 is your english now? i want to know something 10 you very much.

please write to me soon.


liu hua


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