
发布 2023-02-21 05:10:28 阅读 9787




一。 按顺序默写26个英文字母的大小写 (26分)

二。 词组互译(14分)

1.他的名字2. his last name

3. 你的手表4. on the table

5.见到他6. beside the desk

7. 一串钥匙8. behind the door

9. (鸟)在树上10. come on

11. 在椅子下面12. an english book

13. 飞机模型14. computer game

三。按要求写出下列单词的相应形式 (10分)

1. this (复数2. those (单数。

3. photo (复数4. tomato(复数。

5. she (形容词性物主代词6. i (名词性物主代词)__

7. are not (缩写8. brother (对应词。

9. it (复数10. son (对应词。

四.单项选择 (20分)

( )help.

( )2. her name is gina green. her last name is __

b. green c. gina green

( )this your motherthis is my aunt.

she is she isn’t she is

( )4. what’s your telephone number? -5577815.

a. i am b. it is c. they are

( )he __english boy?

a. a b. an c. the

( )and jack are good

( )these your friends? yes

are are

sofa is nice

a. ok b. yes, it is c. thank you

( )9. _that your gold(金色的)ring? -yes, it is.

a. am b. are c. is

( )orangeson the desk.

( )11. please call li ping___027

a. for b. at c. in

( )12. this is not___watch. i think it’s __watch.

a. you, he b. she, my c. his, her

( )13.__these her hats?-no, they___

a. is ,isn’t b. are, aren’t c. are, are

( )14. what’s this?-_

a. it’s an eraser b. it’s white c. this is my sister

( )is ruler.

( )is this your book?

( )17. my keys?

's 're

( )the photo __your family.

a. of, ofb. for, for c. for, of

19. there is __orange on the desk. _orange is big and

red. a. an, an b. an, the c. a, the

20. —where’s my clock, mum

is it on your desk?

a. yes, it is b. no, it isn’t c. i don’t know

五.1) 根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词,使句意完整。 (5分)

1. —w___is my backpack? —it’s under the table.

2. he’s my aunt’s son. i am his c

3. t___are my friends.

4. i’m a girl. i am my parents’ d

5. there are some books in the b

2) 用所给词的正确形式填空。( 5分)

6. —are those your __photo) of your family? —yes,they are.

7. —what are those in english?

—they aredictionary).

8be) these your keys?

—yes, they are.

9. here __be) a letter for you.

10. he is tom,he is __i ) friend.

六.用be (am,is ,are)动词的正确形式填空( 10分)

1. _that your aunt? yes, it __

2. these __my friends. they __lucy and lily.

3. kate __an english girl. she __nine.

4.__they your grandparents? no, they __

5. _gao ming and gao hui your sisters? yes, they __

七.选词填空,并用其适当形式完成列句子。( 10分)

1. that is a boy. _name is d**id.(he/his)

2. this is a girlname is joy.(.she/her)

3. those are trees.__are very nice.(they/their)

4. are these __watches?(you/your)

5.–are these your pens?—yes, they are___i/mine)

lost my school id me __123-4567.(at/in)

are two __in our school.(dictionary/dictionaries)

set of __are in the library.(key/keys).



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教学目标 1.复习本课时的重点单词和词组 2.用h e对物品所有权的问与答 谈论物主关系 用let s提建议3.要求能够谈论自己和别人的喜恶 重点掌握三种常用句型 肯定句否定句和一般疑问句及其答语 4.可数名词与不可数名词的区别与运用 5.规则可数名词复数的变化方法。天峨县中学2015年秋学期校级课...