
发布 2023-02-21 05:12:28 阅读 9832


一。writedown the 26 big letters and small letters in alphabetical order (5')

二。 read and tick if they h**e the same sound (10')在含有相同音素的字母或单词前打钩。

1. (k j 2. (a g3. (o q

4. (r i 5. (frank map 6. (please key

7. (hi fine 8. (am what 9. (helen pen

10. (y i

三。 match the sentences.(10')句子配对。

)1. what's your namea. nice to meet you, too.

)2. nice to meet youb. no, he is mike.

)3. what’s her namec. my name is alan.

)4. good morningd. good morning!

)5. is her jacke. her name is linda.

)6. what’s thisf. i’m fine, thank you.

)7. what color is itg. b-o-o-k, book.

)8. spell it, pleaseh. yes, it is.

)9. is it a booki. it’s blue.

)10. how are youj. it’s a pencil.

四。 唐诗宋词有许多是借用颜色来表达诗意的。下面的古诗中少了表示颜色的单词,请用你的巧手为它们着“色”,写出相应的英语单词。(10分)


2.日出江花胜火,春来江水如 。



5. 毛浮绿水, 掌拨清波。

6. 等闲识得东风面,万千红总是春。


hello, my name is gina green. my first is gina and is my last name. er, what’s my name?

yes, also green. look! this is my telephone.

it’s a telephone. and my telephone number is 653-5638. this is my friend.

she is kate. family name is miller. this is her .

please look at it and answer my question. is her telephone number? yes, 858-8688.

)1. a. name b. card c. color d. question

)2. a. miller b. brown c. green d. smith

)3. a. english b. family c. first d. last

)4. a. he’s b. she’s c. i’m d. it’s

)5. a. ok b. orange c. good d. one

)6. a. boy b. girl c. pen d. clock

)7. a. my b. your c. his d. her

)8. a. cd b. ufo c. id card d. jacket

)9. a. what color b. how c. what d. what's

)10. a. its b. it’s c. he’s d. she's

六。 it’s jim’s family, write down the words according to the family tree.下面是jim的家谱,根据提示书写单词(10分)

a:1is jim’sb:2 is jim’s

c:1 and 2 are jim’s d:4 is jim’s

e:5 is jim’sf:4 and 5 are jim’s

g:7 is jim’sh:8 are jim’s

i: 9 is jim’sj:10 is jim’s

七。 填空(20分)

a 用am, is, are填空。

1. this my sister. these my brothers.

2. hello, i jim. and that’s paul. he my friend.

3. you lin tao?

4. i a girl. my name cindy. bob and frank my friends.

5. those my grandparents.


6. is this (you) father?

7. what’s (she) school id card number?

8. (this) are my parents.

9. (i ) friends are helen and lucy.

10. this is my brother. (he) name is tom.


11. one + seven 12. four+ =seven

13. nine--nine14. three+ =eight

15. two+two=


16. his f name is tony.

17. my t number is 188***

18. this is a p of my family. look, this is my father.

19. -can you s it? -yes. k-e-y, key.

20. –what c is it? -it’s green.


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九、作文15分(60 words)




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