
发布 2023-02-18 02:01:28 阅读 6469




温馨提示:be seriously, be careful. do believe yourself !



)1. a. bat b. name c. hat d. racket

)2. a. this b. thanks c. that d. these

)3. a. his b. hi c. it d. six

)4. a. no b. son c. ok d. those

)5. a. bed b. yes c. she d. set



同音词 not(缩写。

单三4. strawberry(复数。





1. what’syou) name?

2. my father and mother are myparent).

3. are these yourpen)?

4. let’splay) ping-pang.

5do) he h**e a basketball?


1. six and three is n

2. this is a boy. hname is bruce.

3. my telephone n___is 743-6378.

4. —w___is the baseball ? it’s in the backpack.

5. john smith’s l___name is smith.


1. lost and found2. play sports




9. tennis racket10. healthy food



a. abcd b. efgh c. ijhk d. mnrj

)2. this is __map. that’s __eraser.

a. a, a b. a, an c. an, an d. an, a

)3. she and i __friends.

a. am b. is c. are d. be


a. bbc b. nba c. ufo d. cctv

)5. what’s that english?

a. on b. in c. of d. for

)6. —what color is it

a. it’s a key b. it’s key c. it’s yellow d. it’s a yellow

)7. my namealice, name is tony.

a. am, her b. is, his c. is, her d. am, his

)8. i’m tom brown. my first name is

a. tom b. brown c. tom brown d. brown tom

)9. —what’s his phone number609-1289.

a. its b. is it c. it’s d. it

)10. —is this a watch

a. yes, it isn’t b. yes, it is c. no, it is d. this is a watch

)11. those are __

a. my books b. his book c. my book d. her book

)12. sadra clark is a star.

a. run b. running c. runing

)13. —you h**e a soccer ball? —yes, i .

a. are, am b. do, do c. do, am d. am. do

)14. –does she h**e a tennis racket

a. yes, she isb. no, she does

c. yes, she doesn’t d. no, she doesn’t

)15. please call mary __1330994436.

a. in b. to c. at d. for

)16. zhang ming two baseballs.

a. has b. h**e c. play d. plays

)17. here __some books for you, tom.

a. is b. are c. am d. be

)18. do you like for dinner..

a. bananas b. banana c. broccolis d. chickens

)19. —where are your bookson the sofa.

a. it’s b. they c. they’re d. it

)20. that’s a photo my friend.

a. at b. in c. of d. for


1. this is my brother. (改为否定句)

this my brother.

2. i’m d**id.(同义句)

is d**id.

3. my key is on the table.(就画线部分提问)

your english book?

4. this is a dictionary.(改成复数句子)

are some .

5. does she h**e a basketball?(否定回答)

she __

6. i like oranges. (改为一般疑问句)

like orange?

are some pencils on the table.(改为单数句)

pencil on the table.

has five soccer balls (否定句)

hefive soccer balls


what 1 this ? 2 a backpack. it’s my 3 .

what’s that ?it’s a 4 .it is 5 computer.

is that a computer, too? 6 .it’s a tv set.

it’s 7 tv set. i watch(看) 8 9 saturday evening .it is a

10 tv set.

) is b. are c. am d. be

) he’s d. is

) ruler d. book

) tv set d. pencil


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