
发布 2023-03-08 18:35:28 阅读 6291

book 7 unit 4


be busy = h**enotime

17下一次18叫某人做某事叫某人不要做某事19忘记去做某事(事还没做忘记曾做过某事(事已做完)20告诉某人某事21起床22**睡觉23打**给某人call sb给某人回**24野餐25放风筝。




1.—what can i do for you , madam?一i want to buy some clothes for my daughter.

2.—can i try it on?—sure.

3.—how do you like the pants?一they're too long.

4.—what do you think of this green skirt?—oh, i don't like it at al1.

5.—could you help me do some shopping, ben?一sure.

what do we need?6.—are you free this sunday?

—yes. what's up?7.

一don't forget to bring your guitar.—all right.

8.—may i speak to maria?—oh , sorry.

she isn't in now;9.—could you ask her to call me back this evening?—sure.

10.—do you h**e time tomorrow?—yes.

11.—let's meet at 9 o'clock at my home.—ok.

12. what's wrong with you?13.

it's time to go home.14. it's very kind of you.


would you like to go to the west hill?

steve , what/ how about flying a kite with me?

---ok. thank you. /i'd like that, thanks.

/all right. /good idea./-yes , i'd love to.

---that would be very nice. /no , thank you./-i'd love to , but i'm afraid 1 h**e no time.

--i'm sorry i can't. /what about another time?2.

时刻。excuse me. what's the time , please?--it's six o'clock /half past one/ twenty to two/ a quarter past me.

what time is it?

when did you come to china ? i came to china in 1998.、

what time do you get up on weekdays ?-i get up at 6:40 in the morning.


can i help you ?what can i do for you ?

would you like me to help you ?let me help you.

yes, please/thanks. /thank you. /that would be nice/fine.

/thank you for your(the) ,thanks/thank you all the 's very kind of you , but i can manage it myself.4.**用语。

1、may i speak to…?可以叫……听**吗?

2、--who is that?谁啊?--this is…speaking.我是….

3、hold on , please/ wait a moment ,please.别挂断,请稍等。4、is that….?是….吗?

5、can i le**e a message?我可以留口信吗?6、can i take a message?要我传话吗?

7、sorry, he/she isn’t in.对不起,他/她不在家。

8、sorry, i’m afraid you h**e the wrong number.对不起,您打错**了。

考点剖析。1. why not try on that pair?为什么不试试那条(裤子)? 必背牢记)

1)whynotdosth.?是一种提出请求,表达建议的句型,注意not后接动词原形;句子还可以改写为whydon't you do sth.?如:


2) try on"试穿",on是副词,接代词作宾语时,代词必须放在短语的中间;接名词作宾语时可以放在中间也可以放在短语后面。类似的短语有:put on ,put away , throw away , take off , give up , turn on , turn off等。


6. jane , what do you think of this green skirt?简,你觉得这件绿色的裙子怎么样? (必背牢记)

what do you think of...你认为……怎么样?"用来对某人、某物发表看法、作出评价,这种说法还可以用how do you like...代替。如:


7. we need two kilos of apples and some salt.我们需要两公斤的苹果和一些盐。

need在此意为"需要,必要"用作实义动词,后可跟名词、代词或不定式。如:do you need any help ?你需要帮助吗?

i needed to get some sleep.我需要睡一会儿。

chen dan needs to h**e a' rest , doesn't she ?陈丹需要休息,不是吗?

链接】(1) need还可用作情态动词,意为"必要"后跟动词原形,其否定式为need not,意为"没有必要"。如:

need i pay the money now?我必须现在付钱吗?

you needn't .finish the work today.你不必今天就完成这项工作。(2)另外, need还可作名词,意思为"必须,必要"。如:

there is no need for you to get up so early.你没有必要起得这么早。8.

would you like to go to west hill for a picnic?你愿意去西山野炊吗?

would you like to...意为"你愿意做。吗?"通常用来邀请别人参与某项活动。如你愿意与我一起去散步吗?

9. could you ask her to call me back this evening?请你转告她今晚给我回**好吗?

1) could you...意:为"请你……好吗?" could在这里不表示过去时,只是表达一种委婉、客气的请求语气。如:

could you help me ?请你帮帮忙好吗?could you tell me about it?请你把那件事告诉我好吗?

2) call sb. back给某人回**。

10.—what time is it?几点了?—it's 9 o'clock.九点整。

what time is it?意为"几点啦?",用来询问时间。

相当于what's the time?回答时,如果时间恰好是整点,那么在表达时可以在时间点后面加上o'clock如:

七点整it's seven o'clock.八点整it's eight o'clock.【链接】若时间是几点几分,那么就有两种表达方法:

(1) "it's +时钟数+分钟数"表达法。如:7:

10 it's seven ten.

2)当分钟是在1 -30分之间时,就用"it's + 60减所给分钟数)分钟数+ past +小时数"。如:7:

10 it's ten past seven.8: 15 it's fúteen past eight.

或it's a quarter past eight.

若分钟是在31 -59分时,则用"it's + 60减去所给的)分钟数+ to + 所给小时之后的)小时数"。如:10:

45 it's fifteen to eleven.或it's a quarter to eleven.(2) what time还用于询问某动作发生的时间。

如:what time do you get up every day?

回答时用at引出时间。at half past six.

11. it's time to go home.该回家了。

it's time to do sth.译为"该做某事了"。如:

该去上学了/吃午饭了。【链接】若后面是名词,则用it's time for +名词。如:

该上学了/吃午饭了/**睡觉了。&细比细看1. some/any

1) w ould you likemore rice?

2) i want to buy an mp4 , but i don't h**emoney.(3)一when shall i go to your home?一___day is ok.

4 ) there areholes in the wall.【分析比较】


需要注意的是:在表示请求的疑问句中要用some; any用于肯定句时,指"任何的"。3. bring/take

1) don't put the box hereit there.

2) don't forget toyour homework to our class tomorrow.【分析比较】

bring意为"带来,取来"。take意为"拿走,带走"。5. both/ all

1)we'regood friends of kangkang's.(2) theylike english.

3my parents are teachers.

4of them went to the park yesterday.(5my plants h**e died.(6) he has losthis money.

(7) he has worked hardyear.【分析比较】



all还能与单数名词连用,表示某事在某段时间内持续发生,意为"全部的;整个的"。6. look/see/watch/read

1)wesome trees near the river.(2there is a bird in the tree.(3) she isa football match.

4) ia piece of news***** every day.

5at the picture. there is a boat in the river.

分析比较】look , see , watch和read都可译作"看"但用法不同。




语法精粹:1.时间表达方式。2. some, any的使用。3.可数名词与不可数名词。4.一般现在时。


book 7 unit 2 1看起来一样2我明白了。3看起来不同4看起来相像 5看着某物寻找某人 某物照顾某人。6帮助某人做某事。7把某物给某人。8认为,想考虑。9在那边请进出去。句型 1他长什么样?2这个是谁的大衣?3这些事谁的鞋子?4这封信来自于谁?it s from lily.它来自于莉莉。5...

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