
发布 2020-04-02 15:10:28 阅读 8041




do you like english?

they don’t like apples at all.

does he like chinese?

my father doesn’t live in haikou.


he can sing this song in english.. he can’t sing this song in english.

- can he sing this song in english? -yes, he can/ no, he can’t.


1. live in+地点/ live with sb和……一起。

2. may i study english with you ?

3. no problem.

4. be helpful/kind/friendly to

5. at the english corner

6. please help us find him.

7. want to do sth.=would like to do sth.

8. what does your father do?=what is your father? =what’s your father’s job?

9. look after

10. at home/at school

11. a photo of my family

12. h**e a look

13. on the sofa/on the desk

14. on a farm/ in the shop

15. may i take your order?

16. may i help you?= can i help you? =what can i do for you?

17. help yourself/ yourselves to +食物。

18. what do youh**e for breakfast?

19. -would you like to h**e dinner with me? -ok, i’d love to.



i like it .(i为主格, it为宾格)

she likes english. (she为主语)

do they go with us? (they为主格, us为宾格)

四、both 与all 的异同:

both“两个人都”与all “全部都”放在:情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词前;如 :

they are both farmers. =they both work on a farm.

而all “三人或三人以上都” 注意区别; 如:

they are both teachers. 他们都是教师。(总数为两个人)

they are all teachers. 他们都是教师。(三人或三人以上)


名词所有格表达形式,构成在名词后加“ ‘s “,意思是“……的”。 如:

my classmate’s bag; jim’s grandfather

‘s “通常用于有生命的,而无生命的常用结构…of; 如:

a photo of my family一张全家福 the face of the clock 钟面 a map of china一张中国地图注意:当名词后已有s,所有格只加“ ‘如:

我父母的相片 my parents’ picture ; 同学们的单车 the students’ bikes

区别:tom and jim’s father 汤姆和吉姆的父亲(tom and jim are brothers.)

tom’s (father ) and jim’s father 汤姆的父亲和吉姆的父亲。


milk, chicken, bread , french fries, coke, coffee, rice, orange juice, fish, porridge, water, beef, 等是不可数名词。不可数名词通常没有复数形式。不可数名词通常不能直接与具体的数词连用,如需要表示数量,应:

数词+量词of+ 不可数名词,如:

a cup of tea 一杯茶; three pieces of bread 三块面包;ten bottles of apple juice十瓶橙汁;







1. why not do ……为什么不?

2. why don’t you do ……你为什么不?

3. what about doing ….怎么样?

4. how about doing ….如何?

5. would you like to do ….愿意/想……?

6. let’s do ……让我们干……!

如果同意,则回答:yes, i’d like to/good idea./ok/all right.

如不同意,则回答:no, let’s…./no, thanks


)1. -thank you very much

a. welcome! b. you are welcome c. sure d. of course

)2. my friend billy lives __china.

a. withb. fromc. underd. in

)3. _he like the english corner?

a. doesb. doc. isd. are

) you always speak english __the english corner?

a. inb. onc. withd. at

)5 --may i know your fax number

a. yesb. sure c. yes, i dod. no, i am not.

)6. does bobby wanthome?

a. go b. goes c. to go d. going

)7. please call __mike. a. his b. he c him d. her

)8 books are helpful __us. a. from b. on c. in d. to

)9. i h**e a pet, _name is polly. a. it’s b. it c. its d. my

)10. -whose trousers are they

a. they are here b. they are green c. they are their d. they are theirs

)11he’s a doctor.

a . what is his nameb. what does he look like

c. what does he dod. what does he like

)12. my aunt lisa is __office worker. a. a b. an c. /d. the

)13. michael works __a farm. his sister works __a factory.


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