
发布 2020-04-02 15:09:28 阅读 1028


unit 1 where's your pen pal from?

pal = penfriend (笔友) from = come from (来自于。)

united states = the usa = america (美国)

united kingdom = england = britain (英国)

(单) cities (复) +语言 (说某种语言)

(相同的) 《前面常与the连用,后面接单数名词》

(不同的) 《后面接复数名词》

(也)《位于肯定句句末》 =also (也) 《靠近动词,位于中间》

(太) 《位于形容词之前》

is/are sb. from? sb. am/is/are from…….

do/does sb. come from? sb. come(s) from……

unit 2 where's the post office?

is/are (有) +sth.(某物) +sw. (某处) (有某物在某处)

h**e/has + sth. (某物) (某人有某物)


from…= on the other side of….(在……对面)

front of…..在…..外面的前面) the front of……(在…..里面的前面)

right/left (向右/左转) the right/left (在右/左边)

one's right/left (在某人的右/左边)

here = in the neighborhood (在附近)

the picture (在图中) straight (直走)


14. 问路: 's the…….please? (请问,……在哪儿?)

there a/an……near here/in the neighborhood?(这儿附近有…….吗?)

take the + 序数词 +turning +on the right/left

b. turn right/left at the + 序数词 + turning.

me (打扰一下;劳驾一下)

're welcome = that's all right. =not at all. (不用谢)

(干净的) dirty (脏的) 新的) old(旧的)

(大的) small (小的) 安静) busy(忙的)

to…….欢迎到…….way to….(去…..的路)

beginning of…… 的开始) through (穿过)

a walk = go for a walk (散步)

a taxi/bus (坐的士/汽车) (和…一起;有着)

doing sth. (喜欢做某事)

unit 3 why do you like koalas?

of = a little bit (有几分)

kind of….(一种 kinds of…..各种各样的…..

afraid of….(害怕….)

(单)树叶 le**es (复) night = in the evening (在晚上)

= clever (聪明) the day (白天期间)

漂亮的ugly (丑陋的)

unit 4 i want to be an actor

to be a/an….(想要当…..assistant (店员)

+ do/does + sb. +do? +be +sb.?

's + one's +job ? 某人是干什么工作的?)

sth. to sb. =give sb. sth. (把某物给某人)

to/with…..与….交谈) station (电视台)

station (派出所) a hospital (在医院里)

hospital (住院 out (出去) back (回去)

out (出来 back (回来)

the day (在白天) (单) thieves (复)

= difficult (困难) easy (简单)

in (参加;在家) play (校园剧) (年轻的) old (老的)

on (穿上) 《动作》 wear (穿着) 《状态》

to….(听……)对象》 hear (听见) 《结果》

at….(看……)对象》 see (看见) 《结果》

unit 5 i'm watching tv

1.现在进行时: a.现在正在发生或进行的动作。

b.构成: 主语 + be动词 + 动词的现在分词 《两者缺一不可》


<2>以不发音"e"结尾的,去 "e"加 "ing";

<3>双写最后一个字母,再加 "ing"; eg: begin,get,let,sit,put,run,drop,hit,forget,swim,stop,tr**el,plan,shop;

d.现在进行时的标志词:look, listen, now, it's + 时刻,one's homework = do homework (做家庭作业)

看电视/比赛用"watch"; b.看书/报纸/杂志用"read";

for….(等候….)show (电视节目)

school/home/work (在学校/家/工作) telephone calls (打**)

is/it's + **号码 (你好!这儿是……)

i speak to……,please? (你好,我可以与……通话吗?)

's that (speaking) ?你是谁?) is…….speaking) .我是…..

that…….speaking)?/is…….there ? 你是….吗?)

unit 6 it's raining

(云) cloudy (多云的) wind (风) windy (有风的)

sun (太阳) sunny (晴朗的)rain (雨/下雨) rainy (下雨的)

snow (雪/下雪) snowy (下雪的)

2.询问天气: what's the weather like? =how's the weather ? it's + 气候。

's it going ? 情况怎样了?)

(相当) =quite /very (十分) pretty (漂亮) =beautiful

(热) cold (冷) (凉爽) warm (暖和)

(潮湿) dry (干燥) (躺) lying

for sth./doing sth. (因….而感谢)

vacation (度假) the beach (在沙滩上) photos/pictures (照相)

group of…(一群…) 后接复数名词》

volleyball (沙滩排球) surprised (吃惊的)

a good/great/nice time = h**e fun (玩得高兴)

(每人) someone (某人) everything (一切)

something (某物) nobody (没有人) 《作主语时,当作第三人称单数》

do sth. (想要某人做某事) order to……(为了….)

unit 7 what does he look like ?

hair (短发) long hair (长发 hair (直发) curly hair (卷发)

height (中等个子) build (中等身材)

does/do + sb. +look like? (某人长什么样?)

+ be + 形容词/ has/h**e + 名词。

like = be like (看起来像…….总是) never (决不)

doing sth. (停止做某事) stop to do sth. (停下来做…..

jokes/stories (讲笑话/故事) (记得) forget (忘记)

uuit 8 i'd like some noodles

1. i'd like = i would like she'd like = she would like

like = want to sth./to do sth. (想要某物/做某事)

(干净的) 《形容词》 dirty (脏的)/ 打扫) 《动词》

and tomato noodles (牛肉西红柿面)

and cabbage noodles (鸡肉白菜面)

and mutton noodles (土豆羊肉面)

kind of….would you like ? 你想要哪种……?

what would you like/do you want ?(你想要什么?)

size bowl of noodles would you like?(你想要多大碗面?)

i'd like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.

well as…(也;而且) tea (绿茶) juice (桔汁)

or (或者) 《用于选择疑问句中》

(和) 《用于连接否定中并列内容》

unit 9 how was your weekend ?



b.规则动词过去式的构成:<1>一般在动词词尾加 ed;

<2>以"e"结尾的动词,加 "d"构成;

<3>辅音字母加 "y"结尾的动词,要先变 "y"为 "i",再加 "ed";

<4>重读闭音节结尾的动词,先双写最后一个字母,再加 "ed";

eg: stop, plan, tr**el, drop, shop

c.过去式的标志: yesterday (昨天) /last + 单数名词 (上一个…..

时间段 + ago (…以前)/just now = a moment ago (刚才)

sb. with sth. (在….方面帮助某人)

sb. (to) do sth. (帮助某人做某事)

some +动词 "ing" (做点…….eg; do some reading

at home (呆在家) a party (开晚会)

(a person) (拜访…..show (访谈节目)

for the test (准备….《数学》测验)

about….(怎么样?) 用于反问别人或提建议》

sth./doing sth. (练习…./做某事)

was your weekend? (你周末过得怎样?)

did you do last weekend?(你周末做了什么?)

school (中学) sb.(为某人做…饭)

's time to do sth. /it's time for sth. (是该….的时候了)

down (坐下 sb. do sth. (**某人做…)

for….(寻找….)find (找到;发现)

unit 10 where did you go on vacation ?

camp (夏令营) fun doing sth. (做…快乐)

(贵的) cheap (便宜的)

4.两者中的另一个用 "the other". food (川菜)

the water/rain/snow/sun (在水中/雨中/雪中/太阳下)

the corner (在角落里) 《内部》 at the corner 《外部》

sb. doing sth. (发现某人做某事)

sb. do sth. (使某人做某事)

to do sth. (决定做某事)

to (走《回》到…..lost = get lost (迷路;走散)

great wall (长城) palace museum (故宫)

an men square (天安门广场)

unit 11 what do you think of game shows ?

do you think of/about….?你认为…怎么样?)

= how do you like……?你觉得…..怎么样?)


opera (肥皂剧) 't mind (不介意,无所谓)

doing sth. (反对做…..show (游戏节目)

fact (实际上) sb. about…..问某人有关….)

ring (钥匙圈) with sb. (同意某人)

sth. to sb. =show sb. sth. (出示某物给….)

today (今日英语) news (体育新闻)

living (健康生活) china (华夏文化)

cooking (中国烹饪) world (动物世界)

unit 12 don't eat in class !

1.祈使句;a.以动词原形开头;b.变否定句时,在动词前加 "don't";

class (在课上) in the class (在班上)

rules (校规) the hallways (在走廊里)

hall (餐厅) late for… (迟到)

to…..arrive in/at….=reach… (到达….)

to (不得不) 《有时态和人称变化》

must (必须) 《无时态和人称变化》

(别的,其它的) 《常位于疑问词之后》

many (太多的….)后接可数名词复数》

too much (太多的…) 后接不可数名词》

+ 名词/no + 动词的 "ing" (禁止…….

's palace (少年宫) palace (颐和园)


第一单元词组。弹吉他。想做某事。加入俱乐部。说英语。与 匹配。下棋。游泳俱乐部。什么俱乐部。一个体育俱乐部。擅长讲故事。讲故事俱乐部。喜欢做某事。让我们加入。听起来好。学校表演招聘学生。跟某人谈话。放学后。表演功夫。把某物展示某人。和人们做游戏。学校 俱乐部。要某人做某事。做事情很有趣。在周末。给某...


2013年人教版新版七年级英语下册词组汇总。第一单元词组。弹吉他。想做某事。加入俱乐部。说英语。与 匹配。下棋。游泳俱乐部。什么俱乐部。一个体育俱乐部。擅长讲故事。讲故事俱乐部。喜欢做某事。让我们加入。听起来好。学校表演招聘学生。跟某人谈话。放学后。表演功夫。把某物展示某人。和人们做游戏。学校 俱乐...


包含。七年级下册英语词组 人教版 七年级下册英语词组 仁爱版 七年级下册英语词组 外研社版 七年级下册英语词组 新目标版 七年级下册英语词组 冀教版 七年级下册英语词组 人教版 第一单元词组。弹吉他。想做某事。加入俱乐部。说英语。与 匹配。下棋。游泳俱乐部。什么俱乐部。一个体育俱乐部。擅长讲故事。讲...