
发布 2023-02-28 18:42:28 阅读 5375

unit 8 i’d like some noodles.

1.词组。1 想要。


3 什么尺寸。

4 桔汁。5 绿茶。



9 一种。10许多种。

11 一碗米饭。


13s 三个桔子(可数。

14 一瓶桔子汁(不可数。

15 一些鸡肉(不可数。


二\句型。1) what kind of … would you like? 你想要…?



2) 我们有大、中、小三种碗的(面条)。



你要吃什么? /你要买啥?

-- 我要些面条。




要的,请拿来。/ 不了,谢谢。

would like后面还可以跟不定式。即:

a:would like to 想要做某事。

he would like to see you today. 他想今天看你。

b:would like 想要某人做某事。

what would you like me to do. 你想要我干什么?

一。 填写单词。

1. his sister is中等的) build.

2. my friend has卷曲的) hair.

3. that box is too重的), i can’t carry it.

4. is this流行的) music?

5. i’d like西红柿) noodles.

6. the马铃薯) are very delicious.

7. it’s time for class, stop说话), please.

8. he likes读书) after dinner.

9. he can’t say the __原因).

10. i want to __预定) some food.

k___of cake do you want?

h**e some great son the menu today.

hungry. i’d like a large bowl of n

eat don spring festival.

dinner she likes drinking g___tea.

hot, i’d like something to d

oftenrain) in summer

would like youhelp) me with my math.

likes pizza and orange j

would you like? here is the菜单).

to some noodles, children.

tea is there in the cup?

you likesome) dumplings?


( )small pizza special3.

a. are b. is c. has d. h**e

)2yes, i’d like some tea.

are you b. can i help you c. who are you d. what do you do

)3.__is it? 2rmb.

a. how many b. what

c. how much d. what size

) you like something

a. eat b. to eat c. ate d. eating

) you like some milk

a. yes, it is b. no, i wouldn’t .c. yes, please d. yes, i would.

)6. would you like to go shopping with me

a. no, i wouldn’t b. yes, i would c. yes, i’d love d. yes, i’d love to

) don’t like tomatoespotatoes.

a. and b. with c. or d. but

) to therestaurant! we h**e different

a. noodle, noodles b. noodles, noodle

c. noodle, noodle d. noodles, noodles

)9.-_rice would you like? –small , please.

kind of b. what size

c. what size of d. what size bowl of

) you like __football with us? –certainly. i like __football very much.

a. play, to play b. playing, to play

c. to play, playing d. playing, playing

) says the ice cream tastesand sells

a. good, good b. well, well,

c. well, good d. good, well

) can putmilk into the tea.

a. a fewb. few

c. a littled. little

) 2beef and carrots and is just 10rmb20.

a. h**e , at b. h**e for

c, has , at d. has , for

) you like some more dumplingsi’m full.

a. yes, please b. i’d love to

c. no, i wouldn’t d. no, thanks

) like some dumplingscabbages and muttons.


unit2 默写词组。1邮局。2付费 3附近。4在中心大街。5挨着。6在 前面。7 在空间内前面。8在图书馆的后面。9在ab之间。10在 对面。11.附近有银行吗?是的,有。在中心大街上。12.旅馆在哪儿?在银行的对面。13.公用 在哪儿?14在餐馆和超市之间。15径直向前走。16向左 右拐。17在...

七年级下册词 词组

z nni quz oc iq s ng shnq ngjix shu iy ngzh ngn osu xi ngy sh sh f ngzhngbxuch ntu rnj h nzh rnsh nd ngfizh ngzh ngd ngzh k ngj l g hu p ch ulush nxi ...


第一单元词组。弹吉他。想做某事。加入俱乐部。说英语。与 匹配。下棋。游泳俱乐部。什么俱乐部。一个体育俱乐部。擅长讲故事。讲故事俱乐部。喜欢做某事。让我们加入。听起来好。学校表演招聘学生。跟某人谈话。放学后。表演功夫。把某物展示某人。和人们做游戏。学校 俱乐部。要某人做某事。做事情很有趣。在周末。给某...