
发布 2023-02-23 03:56:28 阅读 9562


元音字母:a a ee i i o o u u(其余21个均为辅音字母)

开音节:绝对开音节:单独元音构成的音节。例如:i she me he

相对开音节:一个元音字母加一个辅音字母再加一个不发音的e,例如name, these, chinese, mile, like, those, whole, cute

闭音节:一个元音字母加上一个或几个辅音字母。例如:at, desk, begin, not, put





例如:wha(t) day is i(t) today? wha(t) class, si(t) down

清辅音浊化】在英语中,当爆破音在/s/之后时,/sk/读为/sg/, sp/读为/sb/,/st/读为/sd/ 。例如:school, skirt, speak, space, stand, street

句子连读】在英语口语中,前者是辅音(音标),后者是元音时,应该把他们连接起来读。例如:get up, stand up, it is, what are you doing for vacation?


第一人称】表示说话的人及群体。例如:i, we, tom and i, tim and we

第二人称】表示听话的人及群体。例如:you, kate and you

第三人称】不是说话人,也不是听话的人,表示另外的人或物。例如:he, she, it, they, your mother, my brother, the desk, that map, our teachers


主语是第一人称单数的,be动词用am,例如:i am an outgoing boy.主语是第三人称单数用is,例如:

my sister is a funny girl. she is a quiet schoolgirl.其余的都用are,例如:

tom and i are good friends. are you a new student?


步骤】1、在特殊动词be(am, is, are, was, were)后加not,可以把特殊动词be和not缩写。

tom and i are athletic. -tom and i aren’t athletic.

she was at home last night. -she wasn’t at home last night.


i can see the bird in the tree. -i can’t see the bird in the tree.

3、助动词will,would,should后加not,缩写为won’t,wouldn’t, shouldn’t.例如:

they will h**e an english party next monday.--they won’t h**e an english party next monday.

4、一般现在时:主语是三人称单数的,动词“三单”变为doesn’t + 动词原形。she has lunch at school at noon.

-she doesn’t h**e lunch at school at noon.主语不是“三单”,动词前加don’t即可。they walk to work on mondays.

-they don’t walk to work on mondays.

5、一般过去时:谓语动词变为didn’t +动词原形。

she did homework ten minutes ago. -she didn’t do homework ten minutes ago.

we had some pizza for breakfast yesterday.

-we didn’t h**e any pizza for breakfast yesterday.

高手秘笈】1. 变否定句,把原来的some系列变成any系列。

some --any something---anything somebody---anybody someone---anyone

i h**e some red apples to give him. -i don’t h**e any red apples to give him.

2.当谓语中心词是do/does/did时,加了don’t, doesn’t, didn’t后,还要保留动词原形do.例如:

we do homework at 8:00 in the evening. -we don’t do homework at 8:00 in the evening.

she does housework on sundays. -she doesn’t do housework on sundays.

she did chinese kung fu last year. -she didn’t do chinese kung fu last year.


she put a pen in my bag. -she didn’t put a pen in your bag.

she puts a pen in my bag. -she doesn’t put a pen in your bag.

4.有些否定句特殊,分部分否定和全否定。含有always,all, both, everybody, everyone, everything, very much的句子, 用not表示部分否定,专门的否定词never, none, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, not…at all表示全否定。

she always listens carefully and thinks over problems in class.--she doesn’t always listen carefully or think over problems in class.她在课堂上并非总是认真听讲、仔细思考问题。

--she never listens carefully and thinks over problems in class. 她在课堂上从来不认真听讲,不仔细思考问题。we are both new students.

--we aren’t both new students. 我们并非都是新生。neither of us is a new student.

我们都不是新生。everyone is here now. -everyone isn’t here now.

并不是大家都到齐了。no one is here now. 现在,没有人来这儿。

better+动词原形,在had better后+not。

you had better go away right now. -you had better not go away right now.

6.否定前移: i think/believe/suppose you are right.

--i don’t think/believe/suppose you are right.


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