
发布 2023-02-23 03:54:28 阅读 1244

unit 1 what time do you go to school

句型:grammar focus

1.-what time do you usually get up?


-i usually get up at six thirty.


2.-what time do they get dressed?


-they always get dressed at seven twenty.


3.-what time does rick eat breakfast?


-he eats breakfast at seven o’clock.


4.-when does scott go to work?


-he always goes to work at seven o’clock. he is never late.


5.-when does your friends exercise?


-they usually exercise on weekends.


i get home, i always do my homework first.


either watch tv or play computer games.


knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good!



what (+a/an)+adj+n+主+谓。

例:what a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘啊!

to +地点, 到某地 (home, here,there前不加”to”)

例:get to beijing. 到了北京。

(one’s) homework.

例:i do my homework at 5:00.我5:00做作业。

dressed in … 穿着。

例:i am dressed in black t-shirt. 我穿着黑色的t裇衫。


例:what time does tom eat breakfast? tom几点吃早饭?



6:30 six thirty

2)用past, to表示。


two past ten 10:02


ten to ten 9:50

unit 3 how do you get to school? 整理人:陈骁。

句型:1)how long does it take to get to school? 到学校需要多长时间?

it takes about 15 minutes 大约需要15分钟。

2)how far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远?

it`s only about two kilometers 它大约只有2千米。

3)do they take the bus to school ? 它们坐公交去学校吗?

no,they don`t they walk 不,它们不,他们步行。

4)it is easy to get to school 上学是很容易的。

5)these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school


6)it is their dream to h**e a bridge 他们的梦想是有一座桥。

7)how do you get to school? 你怎么去学校?

i ride my bike 我骑车(去)

知识点:1、 it takes sb +时间 to do sth 例句:it takes me two hours to do my homework


2、 sb spend +时间/钱(in)doing sth 例句:i spend two hours doing my homework


3、 it is +adj (for sb) to do sth 例句 it is easy for us to learn english


4、 every day 每天(句末)advhow far 多远everyday 每天的 adj

5、far so far 到目前为止

far away from….离…..远。

6、live in +地点住在某地。

7、live on 以….为食

8、复合形容词[一个11岁的男孩(an 11— year —old boy)]

9、(1)mile 英里 (2)foot 英尺 (3)inch 英寸。

unit 4 don’t eat in class 整理人:王泱。

一、句型。1、don`t be late for class. 上课不要迟到。

2、we must be on time. 我们必须要准时。

3、don`t run in hallways. 不要在走廊上跑。不要打架。

4、can we eat in classroom. 我们能在教室里吃东西吗?

―no. we can`t, but we can eat in the dining hall.不,我们不能,但是我们可以在餐厅吃东西。

5、can we wear a hat in class? 我们能在教室里戴帽子吗?

――yes. we can./no. we can`t.


6、what do you h**e to do? 你们不得不要做什么?

―we h**e to be quiet in the library.


7、i can play only on weekends. 我只能在周末玩。

8、they make rules to help us, we h**e to follow them.他们制订规矩来帮助我们,我们要遵守这些。



2)用法:a、动词开头 come on!

b、be动词开头 be quiet!

c、let开头 let`s go!

d、no开头 no parking!

3)否定:don`t +…don`t arrive late for class.


肯:can+动原 we can play the quitar.

否:can+not+动原 we can`t eat in the classroom.

疑:can+主语+… can we listen to music in class?

3、to many+可复 three are too many rules in my home.

too much +不可数 there is too much water in the cups.

4、also:句中(行前系后) i also do my homework on sundays.

either:句末(否定句)i don`t like bananas either.

too:句末(肯定句)i like hamburgers too.

5、keep sb./sth. +adj:保持某人(某物什么状态)

we must keep the classroom clean.

6、enjoy oneself=h**e a good time(玩得开心)

eg. enjoy yourself=h**e a good time!

unit 5 why do you like pandas

句型。1) why do you like pandas?你为什么喜欢熊猫?

- because they’re kind of interesting.因为它们有点有趣。

2) why dose john like kaoalas?为什么乔恩喜欢考拉?—because they’re very cute.因为它们很可爱。

3) where are lions form?狮子来自**?—because they south africa.它们来自南非。

4) why don’t you like tiger?你为什么不喜欢老虎?--because they’re really scary. 因为它们太可怕了。

5) the elephant is one of thailand’s symbols.大象是泰国的一个象征。

6) elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost大象可以走很长一段时间,并且从不会迷路。

7) but elephants are great danger.


一、 知识点。

七年级英语下册 复习提纲

unit one词组 1.a pen pal 一位笔友2.be from come from来自于。3.in the united states the united kingdom在美国 在英国。4.live in 地点住在某地5.speak a little french 说一点法语。6.wha...


unit one词组 1.a pen pal 一位笔友2.be from come from来自于。3.in the united states the united kingdom在美国 在英国。4.live in 地点住在某地5.speak a little french 说一点法语。6.wha...


第二部分世界地理之二 提纲请保管好 四 认识区域。一 亚洲。图一图二。1 在图一中找到赤道 北回归线 北极圈,在相应位置写上欧洲 太平洋 北冰洋 印度洋。1 位置 半球位置 绝大部分位于半球和半球。海陆位置 地处大陆东部,北 东 南分别濒临着洋 洋 洋。经纬度位置 位于11 s 81 n与26 e ...