七年级英语下册 复习提纲

发布 2023-02-23 03:53:28 阅读 4325

unit one词组

1. a pen pal 一位笔友2. be from=come from来自于。

3. in the united states /the united kingdom在美国/在英国。

4. live in+地点住在某地5. speak a little french 说一点法语。

6. what language 哪一门语言7. japanese for kids 儿童日语。

7. in november 在十一月 f**orite subject 她最喜欢的科目。

9. want a pen pal in china 想有一位来自中国的笔友。

10. a very interesting country 一个很有趣的国家。

11. say in english 用英语说12. on weekends 在周末。

12. go to movies with+人和…一起去看电影 13. write to sb 给…写信

sb about sth 告诉某人关于…的事情。

15. play sports 做运动16. likes and dislikes 好恶。

句型。1. where is your pen pal fromhe’s from australia.

=where does your pen pal come from? -he comes from japan.

where are you fromi’m from the united states.

2. where does she liveshe lives in paris.

3. what language does he speakhe speaks french.

4. where is torontoit’s in canada.

写作。dear …

my name is zhou li. i live in shanghai, china. i want a pen pal in the united states.

i’m 14 years old. i can speak chinese and a little english. i h**e a sister.

i like singing and dancing. my f**orite subjiect is math, because it is very interseting. i like playing chess with my friends.

please write to me soon

yourszhou li

unit 2词组。

1. post office邮局2. near here =around here在附近。

3. on central **enue 在**大街上4. across from对面。

5. next to 紧挨着,隔壁6. in the neighborhood 在附近。

7. just go straight 仅径直走8. .turn left/right 向左转/右转。

9. down bridge street 沿着bridge大街走10. on the right /left of 在…右边/左边。

11. off the busy street 离开这个繁华的街路

the city’s quiet streets 置身于城市中寂静的街路。

13. take a walk through the park 步行穿越公园

14. a small house with a garden 一个附带院子的小房子。

15. [at] the beginning of the garden tour 游园开始

16. a good place to h**e fun 一个娱乐的好去处。

front of 在…的前面18. pay phone投币**。

19. buy sb sth/ buy sth for sb 给某人买某物 20. arrive at/in/ 到达(小地点/大地点)

21. tell you the way to告诉你去…的路22. next to紧挨着。

23. between… and 在… 和… 之间24. across from 在…. 的对面。

the neighborhood / near here 在附近26. take a taxi打车。

27. pass a bank on your right 你的右边路过一个银行

28. turn left at new park 在新公园处向左转。

29. go through 穿过30. h**e a good trip [to] 一路顺风。

句型。there a bank near here (in the neighborhood)?

-yes, there is. it’s on center street. /no, there isn’t.

2. where’s the supermarket? -it’s across from the post office.

3. go straight down new street and turn right.

4. turn left at bridge street5. there’s a pay phone on your left

写作。mrs wang: excuse me , is there a post office near here?

you: yes, just go down grreen street and turn right at the second crossing. you’ll see a bank in front of you.

the post office is across from the bank.

mrs wang : thanks a lot.

you: you’re welcome.

unit 3词组。

1. kind of 有点儿(副词词组,修饰形容词、动词2. want to do 想要做某事[

3. let’s see (let’s=let us) 让我们一起去看看4. in south africa / europe 在南非。

animals其它的动物6. be friendly to 对…友好。

7. five years old 五岁(a five-year-old boy 一个五岁男孩)

8. be quiet 安静9. during the day 在白天(强调整个期间10. at night 在晚上11. get up 起床。

12. relaxes 20 hours every day 每天轻松20个小时。

13. eat grass/le**es 吃草/树叶14. every day每天。

15. be quiet 安静16. play with… 玩耍

句型。1. let’s see the koalaswhy do you like koalas?

--because they’re very cute.

2. why does he like elephants? -because they’re kind of interesting.

3. where’re lions fromthey’re from south africa.


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