
发布 2023-02-18 13:37:28 阅读 1046



) 1.下列名字中不是女孩名的是___

a. helen b. cindy c. eric d. linda

) 2. 当你想问对方的身体状况时,应说。

a.how are you? b. hello. c. good morning. d. hi.


) bob. what __this in english?

is ) 5. i h**e __key. _key is yellow.

) 6. 以下那个字母不含与其他字母相同的元音音素?

b. j c. f

) 7. what’s __name?

a. you b. she c. her

) 8. what color is it

a. it’s a pen. b. it’s black c. it’s a black. d. it’s my pen.

) 9.that’s a girl. her name is

a.wang xiaoling b.wang xiao ling

c.wang xiaoling d.wang xiao ling

)10.-what’s your telephone number278-106.

a.i’m b.it c.it’s d.is it

) 11.-is that a ruler? -no

a.it is b.it isn’t c.that is d.that isn’t

) 12. he is harry potter. his __name is harry.

a. first b. one c. last d. family

) desk is blue .the chair istoo.

a. black b. yellow c. blue d. green

) 14. this is orange. that is red book.

a. /ab. /an c. an; a d. an; the

) 15. —can you spell it

b. p—e –n, pen c. it’s pen d. ok

) 16.--good morning, frank!

'm not good, alice! alice! frank! afternoon!

) 17.当别人赞美或夸奖你时,你该怎么回答。

a.thank b. i’m fine c. thanks you

) 18. hello! are you jane?-_

a. yes, i’ m b. yes, it is. c. no, i am not d. yes, she is.

) 19. —do you spell your name?

t-i-n-a, tina.

a. what b. how c. who d. can

) 20.以下字母的笔画书写顺序正确的是。

a. h d. t



my _(1)_ is li xiaomei. i’m a _(2)_.i’m _(3)_.

my teacher is wang pei. she is an _(4)_teacher. d**id is my friend.

his english is good. he has a dog. _5)_ name is lily.

) 21. a. name b. number c. class d. row

) 22. a. man b. woman c. girl d. boy

) 23. a. chinese b. china c. england d. america

) 24. a. nice b. english c. chinese d. good

) 25. a. it’s b. its c. it isd. its



i'm a chinese(中国) girl. my name is li ying. i'm twelve(12岁) .

i'm in no. 5 middle school(第五中学). chen hong is my friend.

she is thirteen. mr. wu is my chinese teacher and miss zhao is my english teacher.

) 26. li ying is a __girl.

a. chinese b. english c. japanese d. england

) 27. chen hong is

a. twelve b. thirteen c. eleven d. ten

) chinese teacher is

a. mr. chen b. miss zhao c. mr. wu d. mr. wang

) english teacher is

a. miss wu b. miss zhao c. mr. wu d. mr. wang

) 30. li ying and chen hong are___

a. teachers b. friends c. boys d. english


look at this . it’s a pencil case(铅笔盒). it’s orange.

it’s my pencil case. what’s in it? look, this is a pen.

it’s black. this is a pencil. it’s red and this is a ruler.

it’s green. this is an eraser(橡皮擦). it’s blue and white.

my pencil case is big(大) and nice . i like(喜欢) it.


) pen is black.

) is an orange pencil case .

) is(里面有) a pen,a pencil,a ruler,and an eraser in it.

) eraser is blue and black.

) like my case.



36.good afternoon!

37.good you.

38.sit down, to meet you!

39.nice to meet name is kangkang.

40.what's your name ,please ? do you do?

41.how do you you.

42.how are

43. am

44.are you is.

45.is she morning.



xx外国语实验学校七年级上期学月考试。地理试卷。时间 60分钟总分 100分。一 单项选择题 2 25 50,请把答案填写在指定的答题卡中,否则一律0分 1.地理的 地 是指我们人类的家园 a 每个人的家庭 b 地球 c 我们的祖国d 自己的家乡。2.下列关于学习地理的方法,不正确的是 a 学会看地...


2007 2008学年七年级上期语文月考试卷。满分100分,时间90分钟 一 积累与运用 27分 1 请仿照例句续写一句话,并正确 工整 美观地写。在田字格内。2 1分 人生需要理想的呼唤。你懒惰时,它呼唤你勤奋 你自卑时,它呼唤你自信 2 下面各组中注音 字形无误的一项是 2分 a.确凿z o 秕...


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