
发布 2023-02-17 21:47:28 阅读 4961

starter unit 1 good morning!

话题:meeting friends


starter unit 2 what’s this in english?

话题:about things around you

语法:不定冠词a 和an ,人称代词, 指示代词this that,what疑问句, 祈使句spell it ,please.

starter unit 3 what color is it? 话题:about the color of things 语法:

表示颜色的形容词,定冠词the what color 疑问句

unit 1 my name’s gina.

话题:****** new friends

语法:基数词0-9,人称代词, 形容词性物主代词。

unit 2 this is my sister.


语法:可数名词单复数,人称代词, 指示代词these those 感叹句:h**e a good day ! unit 3 is this your pencil?

话题:about things in the classroom 语法:可数名词单复数,名词性物主代词

unit 4 where’s my schoolbag?

话题:things around the house .

语法:介词in on at,可数名词单复数 where 疑问句。

unit 5 do you h**e a soccer ball?

话题:spending time with your friends.

语法:连词but,用形容词描述事物,助动词do h**e 一般现在时祈使句let's...

unit 6 do you like bananas?


语法:不可数名词,助动词do,实义动词, like 一般现在时。

unit 7 how much are these socks?



可数名词单复数,how much 疑问句祈使句:come and buy your ..

unit 8 when is your birthday?


语法:序数词1st-31st,名词所有格, when 疑问句。

unit 9 my f**orite subject is science.

话题:school subjects.

语法:be 动词一般现在时,why 疑问句


unit 1 can you play the guitar ?

话题:joining a club 功能:talk about abilities

语法:情态动词can 、 一般疑问句和简单回答 、特殊疑问句。

unit 2 what time dou you go to school ?

话题:daily routines 功能:alk about routines

语法:ask about and say times what time、when 的疑问句频度副词。

unit 3 how do you get to school ?


功能:talk about how to get to palces .

语法:how, how long ,how far 疑问句。

unit 4 don't eat in the class .

话题:rules 功能:talk about rules .

语法:祈使句 don't...can 用于表示许可情态动词h**e to 和must

unit 5 why do you like pandas ?

话题: animals in a zoo 功能: describe animals and express preferences

语法:why ,what where 特殊疑问句关于质量quality的形容词。

unit 6 i'm wacthing tv

话题: everyday activities 功能: talk about what people are doing


unit 7 it's raining !

话题:the weather 功能:describe the weather .describe what you are doing .

语法:现在进行时 how 和 what 的特殊疑问句。

unit 8 is there a postoffice near here ?

话题:the neighborhood功能:ask for and give directions on the street .

语法:there be 句型 where 疑问句介词。

unit 9 what does he look like ?

话题:physical appearance 功能:describe people’s look.

语法:what 疑问句描述形容词

unit 10 i'd like some noodles

话题:food 功能:order food

语法: would like ,what questions .

unit 11 how was your school trip ?

话题:school trips 功能:talk about past event

语法: 一般过去时i,how 疑问句, 一般疑问句和简短回答描述形容词。

unit12 what did you do last weekend?

话题:weekend activities 功能:talk about past events

语法:一般过去时 what疑问句 who 疑问句。


] how often do you exercise ?

话题:talk about exercise and health

语法:1、频率副词 2、how often的用法 3、wh--问句

] what’s the matter ?

话题:talk about illnesses

语法:1、情态动词should /shouldn't 的用法 2、如何表达生病(h**e+a+疾病)

] what are you doing for vacation?

话题:talk bout plans for vacation

语法:1、现在进行时表将来 2、how long 的用法

]. how do you get to school ?

话题:about routines

语法:1、how--引导的特殊疑问句 2、肯定和否定陈述句。

] can you come to my party?

话题:about daily schedule

语法:1、can表邀请 2、情态动词h**e to3、现在进行时表计划中的将来

]. i’m more outgoing than my sister.

语法:1、比较级的用法 2、more 和both的用法。

] how do you male a banana milk shake ?

语法:1、可数名词和不可数名词 2、how much和how many 的用法

]how was your school trip?

语法:1、did you...were there...2、规则和不规则动词。

] when was he born?

语法:1、被动语态 2、when的时间状语从句。

] i’m going to be a basketball player.

语法:1、be going to 表将来 2、want to be 3、wh--引导的特殊疑问句

] could you please clean your room?

语法:1、could 的用法(表礼貌请求、表允许) 2、 make的用法

] what’s the best radio station?

语法:1、形容词的最高级的用法 2、不规则形容词。



unit 1 will people h**e robots?


unit 2 what should i do?


1、do/does 的过去将来时态形式:(should/would) do 2 、do/does 的过去将来时态的被动语态:(should/would) be done3、过去将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式:

4、肯定句例句:you should write a letter to him. 5、否定句例句:

you shouldn't write a letter to him. 6、一般疑问句例句:should i write a letter to him?

7、特殊疑问句例句:what should i do?

unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?


1、do/does 的过去进行时态形式:(was/were) doing 2、do/does 的过去进行时态的被动语态:(was/were) being done3、过去将来时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式:

4、肯定句例句:i was walking down the street when a ufo landed.5、否定句例句:

i wasn't walking down the street when a ufo landed.6、一般疑问句例句:were you walking down the street when a ufo landed?

7、特殊疑问句例句:what were you doing when a ufo landed?8、动词 when 和 while 的选择:

when 后加瞬间动词,while 后加延续性动词。


目录。第一单元。1.致冰心4 2.少年马克。吐温5 3.的魅力7 4.心灵的忏悔9 第二单元。5 母亲的颂歌11 6 平凡的母亲13 7 老师颂歌15 8 也赞邓稼先17 第三单元。9 美丽的春天19 10 美哉!济南21 11 竹林人家22 12 猎人的一天24 第四单元。13 智者 诸葛亮26 ...


七年级上册 3 山市。一 解释加点词语义。1 数年恒不一见。2 层层指数。3 中有楼若者,堂若者,坊若者,历历在目。4 奂山山市,邑八景之一也。5 而楼上人往来屑屑。6 或凭或立,不一状。7 相顾惊疑,念近中无此禅院。8 倏忽,如拳如豆。二 翻译句子。1 孙公子禹年与同人饮楼上。2 或凭或立,不一状...


第1课祖国境内的远古居民。时间 距今年,是我国境内已知的最早人类。元谋人地点 云南省 生产 生活 会制造石器,知道用火。是人和动物的根本区别 时间 距今年。地点。北京人生产情况 使用打制石器。生活情况 会使用天然火,并会保存火种,过着却居生活。身体特征 保留了猿的某些特征。时间 距今年 山顶洞人地点...