
发布 2023-02-17 21:57:28 阅读 3814



1. 预备单元主要学习26个字母的音标:按有相同的发音分类:

(1). ei] a[ei:],h[ ]j[ ]k2) [i:

] e[ ]b[bi:],c [si:],d [di:

],e [i:],g [ i:] p [pi:

] t [ti:],v [vi:],z [zi:

] 3). e] f [ef], l [el], m [em], n [en] s [es], x [eks] ,z[zed] (4). ai] i[ai], y [wai], 5) [ju:

] q [k ],u [ w [d bl ] 6)其它发音or [a:],注意:元音字母u的音标的第一个音素是___h, s, l.

m, n, x都是以元音音素开头,之前应加冠词。

___usual personuseful machineunusual thing

2. good morning(afternoon, evening)表示___回答时只需重复一遍。good morning还可简单的说成___注意:

good evening和good night的区别 lily wants to go to bed, she will sayto her parents.

3. in english, in japanese英语中使用某种语言使用介词___表示“使用方法”也用介词___表示“使用某种工具”用介词___表示使用“具体的方法”使用介词by

1). can you say the word __english2). lucy learns chinese well __reading english magazines.

3). he worked out that math problem __two ways. 4).

the cook cut up the potatoes __the knife.

4. orange可数名词:橘子, 橙子不可数名词:

橘汁形容词:橘色的(与chinese, japanese, room, interest, hair, fish, chicken, duck, turkey等名词一样,即可为___也可为___

1). you can find much orange on the tree2). tim can speaks a few chinese

3). there __be)__许多的鸭子) in the lake. 4). there is few room for me to stand on the bus. _

5. what color is it? 问颜色用___color还可当___用,意思是其形容词形式是___意思是“色彩鲜艳的”。

注意: 问颜色时what与color不能分开。

1). her shirt is greenher shirt? 2). the old womanenjoy) _wear) _color) clothes.

6. 问姓名what's one's name?【问人】 what's the name of ..问物或人】

may i know your name, please? family name=last namefirst name=given name注意:英语姓名和汉语姓名的区别),mr.

mrs. miss等称呼只能放在___之前。name还有的意思,与___同意。

named…=called.. with the name of… ,短语“name sb+名字”,其意思是与短语“call sb+名字”意思相同。name也可当名词用,意思是what’s the name of the new movie?


1) .the name of li ying’s pet dog is black cheetahli ying’s pet dog?

2) .micelle jordan is the player’s full name. _the player’s问姓)

___the player’s问名)

3) .we visited a city named luoyang.这句话中的named的意思是还可表达为___或。

4) .last vacation we visited a cityname) xi’an.

5) .john names his pet dog black tiger.

7. my, our, your, his, her, its, their 形容词性的物主代词的用法 mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs 名词性的物主代词的用法? 注意:


1she] hair is longer thani] (第二个空之后没有名词应使用的物主代词)

2). since __you] bike is broken. you can use __she].

3). the dictionary isn't __she]. it's __you].

4they) school is smaller than __we). 5me) pen is lost. i want to borrow __she).

8. nice(glad, pleased) to meet you. 【初次见面】nice( glad, pleased) to see you.

【再次见面】,pleased是情绪动词please的只能做___please的形容词还有___其名词形式是___有短语“乐意效劳不用谢pleased有短语“高兴(满意于做某事高兴表示“高兴”的原因,to do sth做___状语。be happy之后也可跟that引导的从句happy也有“__的意思,可以作___也可作___happy有短语“做某事高兴带to不定式做glad只能做___

be sad(glad) to do sth此短语的意思是带to不定式做___状语。

1) .he很高兴获得)a lot of gifts on his birthday.

2) .my cousin was __please) that he passed the final exam.=my cousinthe final exam.

3) .a: thank you for sending me some books!--b

4) .we took aplease) school trip the other day, we all felt __please).

5) .my sister wasshe heard from her friend.=my sister wasfrom her friend.

6) .a: thank you a lot!--b

7) .a: could you please fold the clothes?—bwe’re good friends.

8) .today my brotherget) much money.

9) .mr. wangthat his daughter got married.本句是复合句,be happy之后跟的是that的从句

10) .这些人伤心失去了他们的孩子。 the people

9. is this (thatyes, it is. no, it isn't.

are these (those) .yes, they are. no, they aren't.

are those books zhang bo?--no, those aren’t. 【改错。


starter unit 1 good morning 话题 meeting friends 语法 人称代词。starter unit 2 what s this in english?话题 about things around you 语法 不定冠词a 和an 人称代词,指示代词this tha...


目录。第一单元。1.致冰心4 2.少年马克。吐温5 3.的魅力7 4.心灵的忏悔9 第二单元。5 母亲的颂歌11 6 平凡的母亲13 7 老师颂歌15 8 也赞邓稼先17 第三单元。9 美丽的春天19 10 美哉!济南21 11 竹林人家22 12 猎人的一天24 第四单元。13 智者 诸葛亮26 ...


七年级上册 3 山市。一 解释加点词语义。1 数年恒不一见。2 层层指数。3 中有楼若者,堂若者,坊若者,历历在目。4 奂山山市,邑八景之一也。5 而楼上人往来屑屑。6 或凭或立,不一状。7 相顾惊疑,念近中无此禅院。8 倏忽,如拳如豆。二 翻译句子。1 孙公子禹年与同人饮楼上。2 或凭或立,不一状...