
发布 2023-02-15 00:25:28 阅读 9287



)1、a. redb. yellow d. grow

)2、a. howb. than c. what d. which

)3、a. cooked b. swim c. washed

)4、a. angry b. excited c. bored d. feel

)5、a. clean b. playc. flyd. dinner






9、did not(缩写10、tooth(复数。


1、h**e a headache


3、laugh at


5、take some medicine


8、cook noodles

9、go hiking

10、tongue twisters


)1、--how tall are you

a. i am 5 years oldb. i am 160 cm.

c. i am fined. i am 35 kg.

---he’s 13 years old.

a. how is heb. how he**y is he

c. how old is hed. what is he

)3、i studied english him.

a. with b. at c. stomach d. toothache

)4、--what’s the matter with you?

--i h**e

a. tooth b. teeth c. stomach d. toothache

)5、--i failed the math test.

--i’m sorrythat.

a. hear b. to hear c. to listen d. listen to

)6、his hair is longer than __

a. ib. mec. myd. mine

)7、how did you go to school?

a. by plane b. by foot c. on foot

)8、she sad today.

a. lookb. look at c. see

)9、my motherhousework last weekend.

a. dob. doesc. didd. was

)10、stay in bed a few days.

a. at b. for c. to d. of

)11、how is mike’s room?

a、bigger b、long c、large d. tall

)12、--did you help me clean my room ?

a. yes, i dob. yes, i didn’t

c. no, i didd. no, i didn’t

)13、--i often to work by bus.

a. went

)14、did you help clean the room?

a. theyb. their i

)15、he feelsbecause he got a new ***.

a. sad b. tired c. angry d. excited


1books in your bag?

2is my key?

3monkey do you like?

4do you feel?

5day is it today?


1、i’m taller than tom.(同义句转换)

tom isthan me.

2、i h**e a fever. (对划线部分提问)

is thewith you?

3、i feel very tired. (改为一般疑问句)

youvery tired?

4、i did my homework yesterday evening. (变为否定句)

imy homework yesterday evening.

5、the weather is fine.(对划线部分提问)

the weather


)1、when does alice go to school yesterday

a bcd ) 2、did you played football

a b c d

) 3、the hospital is at the right

a b c d

) 4、do you taller than me

a b c d

) 5、my leg hurt

a b c八、连词成句(每题2分,共10分)

1、from, shorter, line, to, taller, up(.)


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