
发布 2023-02-13 04:04:28 阅读 3490



eg.(1)how do you go/come to school? 你怎样去/来上学?

i go/come to school on foot. 我走路去/来上学。

2)how does your father go to work? 你父亲怎样去上班?

he goes to work by subway. 他坐地铁去上班。


where is the nature park? 自然公园在**?

it’s near the post office.在邮局旁边。

where are the teachers? 老师们在**?

they are in the teacher’s office. 他们在办公室里。


always 总是,usually 通常,often 经常,sometimes 有时候,never 从不。频度副词可以放在句首,也可以放在人称的后面。

例如:usually i go to school by bus.=i usually go to school by bus.

go at the red light!别闯红灯!

is no door on the bus. 公共汽车上没有门。

此句是there be句型的单数句,be动词要根据后面名词的单复数形式来决定,名词为单数或不可数名词就用there is, 名词为复数就用there are. 此句中no door意为“没有门”,表示单数含义,因此要用there is开头。


on foot by plane by taxi by ship by subway


pay attention to cross the road traffic lights at home



)1. -how do you get to dalian from shandong

a. by subway b. on foot c. by ship d. by bike

)2. pleasethe light is yellow now.

a. slow down and stop b. wait c. go d. i don’t know.

)3. some children in jiangxi, china, go to school

a. by subwayb. by sled c. by ferry d. by car

)4. where is thei want to send a post card.

a. bookstoreb. post office c. museum d. hospital

)5. how do you come to school

a. she usually walksb. i sometimes come by bus.

c. the bus is comingd. sure.

) 6. little jack sometimes goes homefoot.

a. byb. atc. on d. in

) 7can i get to the zoo?

a. what b. how c. how old d. do

) 8go at the red light!

a. don’t b. do c. to do d. does

) 9. lookthe pictures. they are beautiful.

a. tobc. a d. at

) 10.--don’t let the dogs run too fast

a. thank you. b. let me try. c. you’re welcome


usually go to school步行).

2. please停)and等)at a green light.

3怎样)do you come to school?

通常), i come乘地铁)

must pay attention to the交通灯)



1. excuse me. where's shanghai zoo?

a. how far is

b. how can i get to

c. where can i go to

2. which apple do you want?

a. do you like b. would you want c. would you like

3. you can go to zhongshan park on foot.

a. walk to zhongshan park

b. go to zhongshan park by foot

c. go to zhongshan park by walk

4. rose and jane are in the same class.

a. classmates b. schoolmates c. deskmates

5. the girl in white is jane.

a. has a white dress b. with a white dress c. wearing a white dress

6. it's ten five.

a. ten to five b. ten past five c. five past ten

7. where are you from?

a. are you coming b. do you come from c. do you from

8. -i'm hungry. can i eat some bread?


a. that's great. b. sure. c. yes, i can.

9. the boys of our school like to play football.

a. like playing b. to like play c. like play

10. they had a good time at the party last sunday.

a. had many time

b. enjoyed themselves

c. had many friends with them



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