
发布 2023-02-12 16:59:28 阅读 4286


测评内容:lesson1~ lesson 4

一、 将字母与之对应的音标连起来。(5分)

g g a a e e j j i i

/e/ /a/ /ie/ /i:/

二、 英汉互译。 (30分)

1. 教师节2. 使用**。

3. 购物4. 一张ip**卡。

5. 生日快乐6. 好主意。

7. 卧病在床8.稍等片刻。

9. 洗衣服10.一张光盘。

11.在滑梯上12. 在门后面。

there14. under the tree

the seesaw

games18. happy new year

19. send a back


1. shop (现在分词 (复数。

3. certainly (同义词4. buy (过去式。

5. can’t (完全式6. we (宾格。

7. you (名词性物主代词8. flower (复数。

(名词所有格10. let’s (完全形式)__

11. come (现在分词12. there (对应词。

四、单项选择。 (20分)

) 1. who will you

a. ring upb. call upc. ring

) 2some beautiful flowers?

a. whatb. howc. what about

) is a football __the door.

a. onb.

) 4. _present shall we send her?

a .howb. whatc. why

) 4. look! theygames?

a. playb. is playingc. are playing

) 5. -may i use your telephone?

a. that’s okb. thanks

) 6. let’s __together.

a. ) 7. alice___to our school tomorrow.

a. comeb. comesc. will come

) are two monkeys. one is on the swing __is hanging on the tree

a. otherb. the otherc. another

) 9. i want to say “happy birthday !”to___

a. himb. yourc. my

) is __some washing

doc. does

五。情景选择。 (8分)

) 1.想借用别人的**时,应如何说。

a. may i use the telephone? b. may i use the book?

c. i want to use the telephone.

) 2. 别人对你表示感谢,你的回答是。

a. that’ok . b. oh, sorry . c. nothing

) 3. 我可以和李珊说话吗?的英语是。

a. may i speak to li shan ? b. may i say to li shan ?

c. is it li shan speaking ?

) 4. 当你听到**铃响,你说:“你好!我是刘梅”的英语是。

a. is liu mei . b. this is liu mei.

c. hello! i’m liu mei speaking.


i am liu mei . today i speak to li shan , my classmate. tomorrow is sunday .

it is teachers’ day , too . we send our teacher , miss green ,some beautiful flowers . she is our english teacher .

we all love her .

) is li shan ?

a. my classmateb. my schoolmate .

) day is today ?

a. mondayb. saturday .

) about tomorrow ?

a. it’s teachers’ day . b. it’s children’s day .

) is miss green ?

a. our english teacher . b. our chinese teacher .

) do we send to miss green ?

a . a big cakeb. some beautiful flowers .

7、按要求写句子。(15分) (注意大小写和标点符号)

1. sorry, she is not in now. (改为同义句)

2. they are on the slide? (对画线部分提问)

3. speaking\ is\helen\that (连词成句)

4. she is on the swing. (变为复数句)

5. are there any children under the tree? (变为陈述句)


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