
发布 2023-02-03 14:32:28 阅读 4463



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) sleep in the

room ) mother is___now. c .cooking

)3.—is it raining? —yes,__

a it is b it is‘t c it’s not

)4.—_are you? —i‘m in the bathroom.

a what b who c where

)5.—what do you do on sunday

a i do some exercise b i’m singing c i‘m in the living room


1.穿上你的外套your coat.

2.李珊在吃苹果。 li shanapples.

3.我经常看电影。 i often

4.我们星期六做作业。 weon saturday.

5.男孩们在哪呢the boys?



h**e a new house. h**e a beautiful study. study is beautiful.


m listening to music. often sing songs. 'm drawing a picture.

)3. 你想问对方明天是否刮风时,应说___

a. is it snowing? b. is there a wind? c there is no wind.

)4. 你想询问对方通常周末做什么时,应说___

a. what are you doing now? b. what do you want to do?

c. what do you often do on the weekends?


a. look at the sun in the sky. b. look at the clouds in the sky.

c. look at the wind.


are dancing.(就画线部分提问)

brother plays football on sunday. (就画线部分提问)

3. is he in the living room? (作肯定回答)

they playing games? (作否定回答)

climb the mountains on the weekend. (改为一般疑问句)

七、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的填t,错误的填f (15分)。

welcome to my home. this is the living room. it's big and beautiful.

we often watch tv there. this is the kitchen. my mother is cooking in it.

this is the bathroom. we do some washing there. and this is our study.

my father is reading a book in it. and this is my room. it's small but clean.

)1 .mother is cooking now.

)2. father is writing in the study.

) do some washing in the battuoora.

)4: the living room is beautiful.

)5. my room is hig and clean.


一 教学目标 teaching aims 1.复习where is 2.四会 词句 friday,a present,sing songs what are you doing?i am a present for my mother in my room.二 教学重 难点 key points a...


1 4单元重点。1,我们的新房子 our new house2,put on 穿上 3,welcome to 欢迎到 来4,there 对应词 here 5,big 反义词 small6,beautiful 同义词 nice 7,we 形代词 our8,看电视 watch tv 9 small bu...


unit1 our new house 第一课时。教学内容 教学目标 教学重难点 教学准备 教学方法 教学过程 1.热身 复习有关日常活动的词汇 wathc tv,go to bed,h e lunch,同桌进行简单句型问答。2.新知呈现。对照课本,边看边练习拼写描述住所的单词。互助释疑。同桌间一边...