
发布 2023-02-03 06:16:28 阅读 7026


module 3 unit 1 robots will do everything.

广西柳州市柳江县百朋中心小学黄雪芹 138***


本单元是以robots为题的对话,以“they will do everything.”为主要句型,继续学习用can谈论能力和学习用“will”谈论将来可能发生的事情,并要求学生能积极运用所学知识,**机器人未来的发展趋势,畅想未来机器人会做什么。

二、课型: 听说课。




robot, everything, housework, learn, our, homework,one day,do the housework , help children learn, do our homework.

2.学习主要语言结构:“robots will do everything.”








五、教学方法:1. 多**辅助教学 2. 形式多样的操练法 3. 画画演示法 4. 小组合作学习法 5.运用语言交际法。




step 1 warming up

1. greetings.

t: hello! boys and girls. ss: hello, miss huang.

t: how are you? ss: i’m fine, thanks. and how are you?

t: i’m fine too. thank you so much.


t: look. i can walk.

i can run and jump. but i can’t swim. i think i will swim one day.

what about you? what can you do? (如果学生不会回答,可继续追问) can you swim?

提问多个学生,教师要复述学生的答语。如:he can play football.

she can fly a kite.

设计意图:通过what can you do?自由问答,不仅复习了一些动词短语,同时为新课做了铺垫。

step 2 listen and chant

1. talk about the picture in activity 1.

t: well. you can do many things.

but what can sam do? please look at the picture on the screen.(课件展示第一部分图画)

2. (课件超链接第一部分动画**)get ss to watch, listen and say the chant in activity 1 together.


step 3 presentation

1. show a robot and teach the new word “robot”.

t: well.(拿出机器人) i h**e a robot.

it’s very clever. it can walk. it can talk.

用卡片学习单词robot. look. it’s a robot too.


2. get ss to talk about what robots can do.

t: do you think what robots can do?

ss: …t: i think robots will do everything. (引出课题)

3. show the picture of daming’s robot and talk about it.

t: wonderful, we can do many things. look, our friend daming has got a robot.

do you think what robots can do?


step 4 listen and say

t: what can daming’s robot do? let’s h**e a look.

1. (课件超链接第二部分课文动画**,整体感知课文后回答问题)get ss to watch and listen to activity 2, then answer the question “what can daming’s robot do?”

t: ok. daming’s robot can walk and it can talk.

i think robots can do many things. but, do you think robots can do everything? what will robots do one day?


2. (第二次**课文动画**,回答第二个问题)watch and listen again, then answer “what will robots do one day?”

3. (讲解课文,学习词汇)read the dialogue and teach the new words “will, housework, learn, homework.”(利用单词卡学习,并将其贴于黑板上。


3. say the chant:(课件出现) walk, walk, it can walk.

talk, talk, it can talk. do the housework, they will do the housework. help children learn, they will help children learn.



step 5 practice

1. act out the dialogue in pairs.角色演练对话。

2. match the pictures and the sentences.(课件投影)

3. practice in small groups of four.(机器人设计小组赛)


t: (展示机器人)this is my robot. it’s very clever .

it can walk, it can talk. it will make cakes. i like it very much.

do you want to h**e your robot? what your robot will do one day, draw and write them out and talk about them in your groups.


step 6 summary

1. go through the key sentences on the blackboard.

2. sing a song《两只老虎》曲调。(课件出示)robot, robot.

robot, robot. it can walk, it can talk. it will do the housework.

it will help children learn. do everything. do everything.


step 7 homework

1. read the dialogue twice after class.

2. 设计一种新型物品,并画出来,然后使用“this is ..it can ..it will…” 等句型进行描述。


module 3

unit 1 robots will do everything.

it can walk. it can talk.

one day, robots will do the housework.

they will help children learn.

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