四年级第四单元命题试卷 赖舜茹

发布 2023-01-28 05:28:28 阅读 4744





listening part听力部分(50%)

一、 listen and choose.(8分)

peter shows some picture for you.请听录音,根据录音内容选出正确的**,在括号里打“√”对话读两遍。

二、 listen and draw.(10分)

they are happy at peter’s home.听录音,对的画 ,哭的画 .短文读两遍。

三、 listen and number.(12分)

peter is showing us to his home.请听他的介绍,用阿拉伯数字给**编号,短文。

读两遍。四、 listen, circle and write.(10分)

can you do the exercise? 同学们正在听音写词呢。请听录音,圈一圈并在四线格上写出正确的单词,注意四线格的要求。每题读三遍。

五、 listen can circle.(10分)

the students are playing game. they are reading now.请根据同学们所读的句子,圈出正确的单词。

1. look! there are many books are in the study/bathroom.

2. you can see a cat in the bedroom/kitchen.

3. where is/are the phone? it’s on the table.

4. hi, peter. can you see my books/keys? no, mum.

5. are they/you in the living room? yes, they are.

reading & writing笔试部分(50%)

一、read and circle the different one.(10分)

they are playing. 读一读,看一看,圈出发音不是同一类的单词。

二、 let’s talk.(10分)

can you talk with your friends? 遇到这些情况,你会说英语吗?请看情景,选择正确的句子,把字母编号写在横线上。

三、 read, tick or cross.(10分)

what can you see in the picture?请根据**提示,判断句子是否正确,正确的在框格里写“t”,否则写“f”。

四、 read and number.(10分)

can you find the right place?请根据短文意思,把物品放到正确的位置,把物品前的字母编号写在圆圈里。

五、 read,choose and write.(10分)

i h**e a new passage. 请根据短文意思,选择正确的单词并在四线格上填上正确的形式。

this is my home. it has atwo bedrooms, a big

and twoyou can see a table, a tv and two

where is theit is near the table.

theis on the

theare __the


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