四年级英语兴趣班练习卷 十五

发布 2023-01-21 21:33:28 阅读 1875

四年级英语兴趣班练习卷 (十五) 6.8


tr s (

4. ra e5. p ac6. ho pi l( )

7. f id e8. ic u e9. ni e( )

10. bl ck o d( )


1、长着大眼睛的女警2、 买一些面包。


5、在操场上6、see the doctor

7、near the train station8、two cartons of juice

9、climb trees10、be late for class


)1、who’s that man

mr green. my aunt. my father. is.

)2do you go to school? at eight.

time we

)3、is that girl your sister

is. is. isn’t..

)4、one pie is eight yuan .how much are three pies

yuan. yuan. yuan. yuan

)5、what’s your mother’s job

a cook. a farmer. farmer. is.

)6、these or those

big one. big ones. one in red. one.

)7kilos? one

much,kilo many,kilo many,kilos

)8go to the theatre?ok.

do we )9、who’s the boysmall eyes?

)10、what are these

a cake. a worker. peach.

)11some juice in the bottle.

are are is

)12、what you likesome biscuits.

i’d i’d like i

)13、what’sname? she’s yangling.

)14、where are the chairs

in the room. near the bed. over there.

)15、what’s for breakfast

in the bottle. about some bread. in the fridge.


1、 那个穿白色毛衣的妇女是谁?是我的英语老师。

___that womanthesweatermy english

2、 那个长着一个大头的男孩是她的弟弟吗?不,不是。

___the boyhead her brother? noisn’t.

3、 冰箱里没有牛奶。

milk in the

4、 你想要些什么?一些面条和一瓶子橙汁。

would youand aofjuice.

5、 我们乘火车去机场好吗?

we go to the airport

6、 这里有一些桃子给你。

somefor you.

7、 你的办公室里有什么?有一个书架和大量的书籍。

in youraand lots of


a: it’s a fine day. go and football.

b: good idea. butshall we play?

athe playground in our school?

b: ok. but i’mnow.

a: here’s a hamburger for you.

bdo we go to school?

alook, my bike is over there, under the tree.

b:great! let’s go.

六。本学期学过的单词你都掌握了吗?根据首字母及**提示写单词。完成句子。 (5分)

this is our very b___and are many d___and c___in are two b___and a the bookcase,there’s a c___sometimes we use it to surf the internet(上网) in class. we all like our classroom.


do you h**e a nice bedroom

2. (1)what are their jobs

2)how many


what do you want to be


a: this is our teachers’ office. come in please.

b: all right .it’s big and clean.

a: yes ,see, there are many pictures on the wall.

b: how nice! what’s that near the window.

a: it’s her computer.

b: oh, your teacher has a nice room.


四年级英语兴趣班练习卷 一 2.24 基础题。一 翻译。1.我的哥哥2.他的朋友。3他们的职业4 穿白色连衣裙的女孩。5.一位老工人6 长着大眼睛的男孩。climb trees again 二 选择最佳答案。the boy s name?b name is tom.a hisb hec he s 2...



四年级语文 上 第十五周周末练习卷

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