
发布 2020-05-30 08:13:28 阅读 7115

四年级英语兴趣班练习卷 (一) 2. 24


1.我的哥哥2. 他的朋友。

3他们的职业4 穿白色连衣裙的女孩。

5.一位老工人6 长着大眼睛的男孩。

climb trees again


) the boy’s name? b: name is tom.

a hisb hec he’s

) 2. the man over there is teacher .

a .ourb. youc. they

) 3. who’s the boy the tree?

a inb onc at

) what are jobs? b: they’re

a their, waitresses b there, waitress c their, a waitress

) 5. a: is that woman your aunt? b:

a yes, it is. b no, he isn’t. c yes, she is.

) 6. a: how old is her grandfather ? b

seventy seventy seventy

) 7. a: who is your mother’s father? b: he’s my .

a grandfather b grandmother c uncle

) 8. a:what do you want to be ? b:i want to be a .

a. girlb. boyc. policeman

) 9. who’s the man a big head?

) girl? b: the one in the white t-shirt.


hello, i’m here.

b: welcome to our school.

a: thank you . is that peter?

b: which one?

a:the one the white shirt.

b: yes, is.

2. a: the woman’s ?

b: she’s a .

a: is she your sister?

b: no, she

3、a: what’s his

b: he’s a


a .she’s a nurse .

b . who’s the woman in the blue coat ?

c . i’m fine , thank you . and you ?

d . she’s mrs black .

e. thank you . goodbye !

f . good morning . how are you ?

g. i’m fine , too .

h . what’s her job ?



look at my family photo. the old woman is my grandmother. she’s about eighty.

my father and my uncle are her two sons. the one in the black shirt is my father. he’s a worker.

the young man is my uncle. he’s thirty now. look, the woman with big eyes and small ears is my mother.

she’s an english teacher. the boy is me. i’m seven now.

i’m my mother’s student.

) are two women in the family photo.

)2. my father is 30.

)3. my father is in black.

)4. my uncle is a worker.

)5. i’m seven years old.

)6. the woman with big eyes is my mother and teacher.










) is the boy with big ears?

a d**idb wang bing c mike

a inthewhitesweater. b inthewhiteshirt c inthewhiteskirt

) birthday is today?

a wang bingb nancyc su yang

) old is wang bing?

a heistwelveb he is twenty. c she is twelve.

提高题。 ) 1、does he run out of money?

a 跑去取 b 取出 c 跑出去 d 用完。

) 2、he isn't really ill. he is just putting on

a 假装b 上演 c 挂上 d穿上。

)3、don't be in the family way at the table!

a 不拘礼节 b 宾至如归 c 没有礼貌 d 和在家里一样。

) 4、two heads are better than one.

a 两头比一头大b 两头比一头好。

c 三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮。 d 两个头换一个头。

) 5、she is a homely woman.

a 家庭主妇 b 做仆人的妇女 c 有家的妇女 d 朴素的妇女。

) 6、nike forgot to lock the door。it's an old story.

a 老生常谈 b过去的事 c 古老的故事 d 司空见惯。

) 7、can you help me to draw this picture ? that is a piece of cake.

a 小事一桩b 行,给我一块蛋糕饼。

d 画一块饼d 看情况吧。

) 8、you look blue this morning. what's wrong with you?

a 脸色发青 b脸上肿了 c 闷闷不乐 d 患青光眼。

9、the students are going out of the classroom in three and fours.

四年级英语兴趣班练习卷 十五

四年级英语兴趣班练习卷 十五 6.8 一 补全下列单词并写出中文意思 10 tr s 4.ra e5.p ac6.ho pi l 7.f id e8.ic u e9.ni e 10.bl ck o d 二 英汉互译 10 1 长着大眼睛的女警2 买一些面包。3 乘飞机去上海4 他的祖母。5 在操场上...




五年级数学兴趣小组计划。指导老师 郑海燕。工作目标 1 通过兴趣小组的学习,培养学生学习数学的兴趣,让学生在探索解法的过程中,亲身体验到了数学思想的博大精深和数学方法的创造力,从而激发学生学习数学的兴趣,产生了进一步学习数学的向往感。2 训练学生的思维能力,引导学生掌握学习数学的思想方法,培养分析 ...