
发布 2020-03-23 00:52:28 阅读 1940


1孩子们), stand up.

2. yang ling and helen like玩具动物).

3看) this cat..

4. it’s一只可爱的猴子).


6. i有一个蛋糕) here.

7. do you h**e一些葡萄)?

8. let’s做一个热蛋糕).


10多少)students are there in the classroom?


12. there is一根香蕉) on the table.

看)my toy train. b: can i看一看)?

14那些蛋糕)are nice.


i h**e十五个桃子)and三个芒果).

b: let’s做一份水果沙拉).

you like那只可爱的大象)?

bing can打篮球)

19. let me试一试)

can play table tennis非常好)

21五个搞笑的男孩)are on the farm.

22别伤心) we can help you.

23. tim’s football is在你的卧室里).

24过来看看),bobby. the bird is in the tree.

h**e some mangoes在我的冰箱里).

26. where’s your白色的沙发)?

27我们的新家) is very big.

28. i’m在小吃店). i’d like一些面条).

you h**e一些芒果)?no, but i h**e一杯芒果汁).

30多少个汉堡包) can you see ?

are两杯牛奶) in the fridge.

fox is在盒子后面) .

33. look at这些袜子). they are nice.

34多少钱)are the books?

li, we h**e五十一元干得好)

36多少个汉堡)would you like?


38他的头发) is very short.

39. i h**e小眼睛).

40. this monkey is又矮又瘦)



1. i like thisdog). i likedog).

2. where is mypies)?

3. i don’t like thiselephant). do you likeelephant)?

4. there is a little catthe tree.

5youa pie? no, thank you.

6. i don’t h**e any桔子).


can see some猴子)in the tree.

9不要)shout in class.

many动物)can you see?

11. do you h**esome) bananas?

12. -look at thepanda). they’re cute.

13. this ishe) school bag.

14. -what’s that? -it’sa) elephant.

15this) dolls are for yang ling.

16.do you h**esome) dolls? —yes, i do.

manycar) do you h**e? —twelve.

h**e a look. —here you are.

atwe)stickers. —they’re nice.

issu yang) toy. it’s so cute.

21. how manymango) do you h**e?

22. helen can play football verygood).

23. the dogs cannot flytoo).

24. look atthis) birds.

25you like cats? yes, i do.

26. wheream/is/are) my dress?

they’re / it’s) on the bed.

my books?

your booksam/is/are) in the desk.

28. whoam/is/are) i?i forget.(忘记)

29. thehot dog/hot dogs) is in the kitchen.

are your __sticker/stickers))?

___they’re / it’s) on the sofa.

31. we all like___sandwich) .

32. i’d like somefish) for lunch .

hi want some r

34.—do you like葡萄)? no, i

35.—anything eno, thank you.

3 6.—look at thepanda). they’re cute.

can play basketballgood).

38. herebe) some bread for you..

39. can youmake) a fruit salad?

40. these toy animalsbe) cute and fat.

41this) shoes are nice.

42. do you like __horse)?

43. how many __umbrella) would you like?


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