
发布 2020-03-23 00:49:28 阅读 3089




a 从下面每组四个词中,选出一个不同类的。(10分)

( )1、 c. library

( )2、 c. listen


1. whatdo\does\doing)you wantbuy\to buy) ?

2. shelike\likesher\his)dress.

3. these aresock\socks).

4. how manyday\days)are there in a week.

5. i meeta\an)old man(男人).

c 单词大变脸。(按要求写单词)(5分)

1、old (反义词2、toy(复数3、wear(现在分词)

4、is not(缩写形式5、play (第三人称单数形式)

d 英汉互译。(10分)

1、shopping online2、go straight

3、clean the bedroom4、在学校附近。

5. 乘坐小轿车6、离。远

e 仔细读句子并思考,把句子中所缺字母的单词补充完整。(每空1分,共4分)

1、my mother buys tr_ _ers for me.

2、i w _ h my hands and face in the morning.

3、i go to school by b_ _

like to eat t_ _to.

f 下列每组两个单词划线部分发音相同打√,不相同打×。(4分)

)1、cap face2、lunch chicken

)3、these thirty4、kite bike


ab )1、what do you do in your bedroom? a、go straight and turn left.

)2、is this ann’s sweaterb、it’s thirty yuan.

)3、where is the libraryc、yes,i do.

)4、how about some fruitd、it’s tuesday.

)5、how much is the new dresse、no,it isn’t.

)6、may i help youf、okay.

)7、do you want to wear the t-shirt? g、i make my bed.

)8、what day is todayh、 yes,please


( )like your blue shorts.

a thanks are nice. c .no, they aren’t

( )are brown .

a .short .shorting

) draw a picture my story.

withc. for

) amy do at home?

a. is ) is .green isyellow is .


)6、the school is far the park.

a. near b. from c .to

( )7、here is my

bag bag bag

( )8、当别人向你道谢后,你回应说。

a. excuse welcome. you ready?

( )9.当你想问小慧“我们怎样去公园?”时你应该说:

a how do we go to the park? b how do you go to the park?

c how do they go to the park?

)10. 当mary 问你星期天做什么时,你可以说:

go to school by bike .

play with my friends .

wash my hands.


)1、there are seven day in a week

a b c2、what do you do in sunday, jenny

a b c3、i play with she toy

a b c4、i read a books in the morning

a bc5、they’re li tao gloves

a b c五.连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)(10分)

1、 go the read to library a book i to (

2、these gloves your are (?

3、buy do want what you to (?

4、tony playing is his with toys( .

5、 can go by you there bus (

6、阅读理解。根据短文内容判断下列问题。正确画 √ 错误画×。(10分)

in the morning, i wash my face and brush my teeth, then(然后) i brush my hair. after breakfast ,i go to school by bus .at school, i read books.

i play with my friends. i like to fly kites and play balls. at four o’clock, i go home.

after dinner ,i do my homework. then i help my mum and dad. at nine o’clock ,i go to bed.

) wash my face, brush my teeth and my hair in the morning .

) walk to school.

) play with my dog at school.

) go home at 5 o’clock.

) dinner ,i watch tv with my mum and dad.


一 短语填空。1孩子们 stand up.2.yang ling and helen like玩具动物 3看 this cat.4.it s一只可爱的猴子 are又可爱又胖 6.i有一个蛋糕 here.7.do you h e一些葡萄 8.let s做一个热蛋糕 喜欢牛奶 10多少 students...

小学四年级英语上册期末练习试题 四

一 看图写单词。12分 二 将对应的单词相连。4分 a woman black short big b small man white tall 三 读句子,排序。7分 good idea hi,amy,we h e a new classroom.it s nice now.really?let ...


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